Still wish we drafted Jalen Carter?


I’m so glad our team doesn’t do this shit like both of those teams. They’re both absolutely pathetic.


Because if any of our players posted that tweet, they know exactly who will be on their front porch when they open the door in the morning to go to work.



Never did.


I usually make jokes… but Jalen needs some quality mentors in his life asap.

I feel bad for these Georgia players… it’s a literal circus.

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I can only say that this is a testimony to why you just keep filling squad with high motor hard working dudes. Because at the end of the day it matters.

And I do not agree you have to ever sacrifice ethics for talent. Prime example why you do not do it.

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There is no way that Ducey doesn’t say some bat shit crazy sh!t on the field.


I guarantee he chirps and trash talks with the best of them, I find it very doubtful he stalks the social media accounts of family members of the guys he’s doing this to, as Feliciano is claiming. It’s one thing to try and get in someone’s head on the field, it’s quite another to do what Feliciano is alleging Carter did. This is a deeply disturbing allegation, and Feliciano better have the evidence to back it up.


He better? Or what? It’s social media. He’s not under oath.

I’m sure what actually happened was unsavory. Likely from both sides. I’m also pretty sure both are embellishing their sides of the story.

I’m confident that Jalen Cater wasn’t posting to some 9 year old Feliciano boy’s Facebook page stating that he was going to kill him.

Btw, the NFL should release more audio if you pay for it. I’d love to for instance hear Marshawn Lattimore-Mike Evans trash talking.

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I’m sure that emotionally complex mentoring by Patricia is TOTALLY NOT exacerbating the underlying sociopathic/narcissistic/homicidal/ant-social undercurrents out of that group of guys who went to Georgia and basically ran the asylum there.

Totes. Fer Shure.

Had nothing to do with the Eagles EPIC COLLAPSE either.


Because if he doesn’t, that’s libel, and could end up costing Feliciano a nice chunk of change to settle.

There is no way either of them is going to sue the other for libel. This is just two oafs being idiots on the field and then doubling down by being bigger idiots while on social media.

We’ll have real photo news soon enough. These are the dog days of the offseason.

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Definitely not…their agents on the other hand? Well, most of them are lawyers anyway, and it’s something to do between chasing ambulances. :laughing:

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I think the worst look in all of that is Feliciano selling out his teammate like that.

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There had to be more than just laziness to get his coaching staff to tell NFL scouts not to draft the guy. This is most likely some of that reasoning.

I’m pretty sure Jalen was just offering Feliciano and his family a ride with him driving.

Well, JF said he got the league involved, if true then he has something to back up his claims regarding his kids, you would think.

Now, the league will sweep it away and nothing will be heard on this topic going forward. #protecttheshield


This I actually agree with. The League does a good job of policing the players and then also keeping things quiet when the payers go South.

I actually know an attorney that specializes in defending rape who was on retainer for at least 1 but maybe 2 of Detroit sports teams (I have not talked to him in years so not sure if he is still doing it). So they are locked and loaded.

My niece was one of the lawyers involved in the whole Miggy’s mistress lawsuit.
Oh man the stories…