Texans fire David Culley

Between Watson and Wilson, I’d put the extra assets in and get Watson. Much younger. Even with the legal concerns.

I think he was calling the Patriots defense vs the Bills. lol

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Sorry Dog but this kind of thinking is pie in the sky stuff. Yeah like anyone with their head on straight is going to turn down a head coaching job in the NFL to because of some mythical team spirit bs. If someone turns down a 5 mill (at worst) a year job instead of a 1 mil a year job, because of “unity”, then I would fire them because they have horrible judgement. Who pursues a lifelong career path but turns down the absolute zenith of their profession? This is real life, not some made for tv football movie.

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Real life has many shades brother…

Minds sets are numerous as well….

There are those that don’t value
Money as the only means to happiness nor do they think being the boss is best….

I got farther in the military telling leadership who I really was…. A better 2IC than the top dog…. I tried it and wasn’t good at it…. I know what I’m best at and more so now what makes me happy

Money and power are not it…. Now, you are right for most: money and power are thier addiction….

But not me baby!!

We will see but I’m betting on Hope and unity: not selfish ego driven choices D most do…

Thats cool man but its not really about power at all. Theres a lot of value in trying to be the best at what youve dedicated your life to.

Agree with being the best version of one’s self you can be: imho it doesn’t equate with my job position …
