The IT department of the Lions

Humans are reallly bad at log factor leaps…it’s really gonna melt a lot of people down, Singularity, among other things

I’d like to think it’ll be ok. It could, but there’s a really good size chance it will not…


This is exactly the type of thread I should groove on…

Spy stuff
Chaos and absurdity
Kinda batguano loco


I’m with Marcellus and Jamo’ finger on this one…

No, not that Marcellus

Ill Be Damned Pulp Fiction GIF


I have Beta… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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maybe when they say “no betting at team facilities” they don’t feel they need to block access because they expect people to be adults and respect simple rules


Like the “rules” of speed limits and stops signs…. Which over 85% of the population violates daily by choice…

I wish folk would stop this type of lazy thinking: if a rule is there you simply obey it like a dog.

If that were the case, why is there still human trafficking or murder or drug dealers?

The human heart in the problem.

Until we as a society admit that and work on it, nothing will be fixed and no rule can ever make a person do something.

It’s always a choice and the choice depends on the heart…

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If someone is paying me millions of dollars and one of the dumb rules is to not speed. I’m not going to speed

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Total self denial here…. But you live in your world brother….

I’m not sure how self denial is happening. Question: If you were blessed with athletic ability and drafted by a football team in the first round. Told gambling is against the rules and you did it anyway…

Is it not your fault?

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There is a world of difference between saying don’t bet at the facility if you are an NFL player making millions vs telling the general public they can’t bet under any circumstances. Just like there is a world of difference between my employer saying that I can’t drink at the office vs telling everyone in the general public that they can’t drink at home.

A rule doesn’t prevent an action and it will never function in that capacity 100%. But we still need rules to establish behavior expectations amongst a group.

Your question points directly to my point: the heart….

Your attempt to state “things” and “money” will make a person compliant fail….

It’s like why don’t you ask this “why did all the wealthy people still desire to go to and went to emphsteins island if little girls? I mean why break the law and act like a pedophile when you have millions?

The heart…… period…. Will not be satisfied by things and money alone.

Until you understand this … you are in denial brother……

I don’t know what kind of wealthy people you hang out with but the ones Im friends with aren’t pedophiles

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Then cut them all…. And tell the fans to pick a different team because the leadership has proven they can’t draft competent humans, nor train and coach them to follow the rules.

I can appreciate your admittance that you don’t “follow rules” despite being morally sound, but that only means I would avoid drafting you at all costs…. Not that I needed MI6 operatives in my tech department….

Here is my opening segment of interviewing draft candidates and free agents from now on….

  1. Do you beat your significant other, children, old people?

  2. Do you like fast cars, and if so do you typically drive above the speed limit…. We will be pulling a copy of your driving record.

  3. Do you own any firearms, and are they legally registered? Do you have a CCW or CPL license.

  4. Do you enjoy casinos? Do you ever gamble on sports? Let me see your phone, our team isn’t supportive of players using ANY online gambling apps, on or off property…

  • you may laugh at these, but the truth if half the kids who fit into the above will actually admit it… like yourself, many feel like it is THEIR RIGHT to not follow rules….

It wasn’t that many years ago than any type of dating or even “fraternizing” in the workplace would result in at least one party losing their job….

My gut tells me Aiden, Sewell, Ra, Ragnow, Goff, Decker, Paschal, Rodrigo, are all guys we never ever have to worry about regarding any of the above….

  • did anyone see Alim’s presser? It led me to drop my expectations for him improving much…. When told he looked a bit leaner and meaner, he stated “he improved his off-season habits by training a little and cutting out as much candy…”. That is his level of commitment to earning a 20-40M deal in 2 years? A LITTLE BUT LESS CANDY?
  1. Now look at what discipline, rules,and sacrifices similar ages kids in the military have to comply with.

  2. Have you ever met a Natty (I see u bald sexy) bodybuilder? The diet, training, cardio, sleep schedule, avoidance of alcohol for months up to a show, for what? The chance of a sponsorship of a few K? No… it’s for the results and the love of the game…

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Total denial - and the need to argue to self validate and self approve….

Love you no matter what brother!

That’s crazy…just crazy enough to work!

You know I like you Dog but I still don’t know what I’m in denial of. I’m just saying employees that can’t follow simple rules are the ones at fault. Hard stop. End of story. And most wealthy people aren’t pedophiles. I’ve known a few ridiculous wealthy people as a business consultant. They aren’t off on jets buggering kids. I also reckon that that particular deviance isn’t tied to wealth or social status.

You know, despite it being a thing here, the solution to not having a strong argument in general, isn’t to spout nonsense about self approval and self validation

This above is not what you just stated brother … different all together.

And without non verbals (70% of actual overall communication) it even harder.

Breaking the law isn’t the deal here. Heck, I just drove 35 miles and was over the speed limit literally the whole way. If I got caught, I get the ticket period…. We agree here…

You started out with your initial posts imply everyone should simply not break rule as they have money and wreath which is a lie… unintentionally or not. Hence denial…

I choose to break the speed limit to get to work faster…. The rule has no impact on choices

Jamo broke the rule but why is the only thing that matters as the rule can’t and will never control choices. Was he impulsive or gave into peer pressure or addicted to the thrill? Or whatever…. We all, you included, choose our choices off what in our hearts not because of the rule itself…,

Facts of life…, if we admit it….

That’s not what I said or implied. And I think you know that.

I said if someone were paying me millions and one of the rules of the job was to not to speed, I’m not going to speed. Or more germaine, if one of the rules is to not gamble. I’m not going to gamble

Hell millions, schmillions, if someone were paying me 35,000 a year and one of the rules of the job was to not gamble, I’m still not going to gamble

Most people, most of the time are able to comply with most rules.

As the stakes and consequences increase, compliance increases to at some point along the risk/reward continuum you find each person’s departure point from the continuum. I think this is where DD’s changed heart and mind comes into play.

I think we, as I know I am, are often surprised where that spot is for different people for different rules.

We now get to see if Jamo moves up and out to the upper right quadrant of the graph on the “Would you like to have a NFL career” question, as before this, it seems he was taking it for granted due to immaturity and privilege.

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We could also have a hidden Speakeasy with a Sportsbook built underground to prevent any online paper trail.

This thread cannot be serious.

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It’s a cost cutting measure. It’s business.