The Lions will not add a big name at trade deadline

I have been hearing that the lions have all this money war chested to make a big splash during the trade deadline. Herd it on 97.1 a few times this week and around the internet.

With all the cash they handed out in signing bonuses this off season their cash flow out was massive.

People will say well they have $35+ million in cap space. Yes they do. But they will most likely roll that over into next year and sign a player such as Hutch to massive deal. Go google rolling over the salary cap.

There are ways they are playing around with the cap to keep all there core players around. Like not having big hits for 2 seasons on guys they just resigned this offseason.

We have yet to see Holmes make big trades in season. We also know he doesn’t want to pay players big money more then 1-2 years if they have not been drafted here. So I don’t see him giving up big capital to land someone who will want a new deal and only have a year on their contract.

I would be shocked to see him make a big move at the deadline. Unless we are super thin at a certain position group and even then I don’t see him giving up any day 1 or 2 draft capital.


well I dunno, are there any good DEs that have been put on IR we could trade for on the cheap?


Some thought DPJ was a big trade.

But I agree …. I do not see us making any splash trades.

I think the best time to give away significant future assets is when you have already made it to the top and want to stay there rather than going for broke on a one time lottery ticket. We want sustained winning after all.


only one i could see is maybe for Hendrickson if the Bengals go like 0-5 here.

would likely be our 2nd, if lucky, our 4th for him.


If someone called us asking for Aiden, what should the response be? 3 1’s?

It should be “go fu ck yourself” and hanging up on the person asking.
Brad keeps saying what the plan is but yeah.

I don’t feel we have the draft capital.

Nor do I think the Lions would actually do it.

My money would be on a lower level player or an aging vet on a crappy team.


He won’t, because he believes more than most GMs in fit. Our entire FO does. The player has to fit with us.

But you can’t know whether they fit or not unless they’ve been in the building. You can have an idea like we did with Anzalone (because Dan and AG coached him), but you can’t know until you see it first hand. After all, Dan and AG also coached CJGJ, and he didn’t really fit.

The biggest, longest contract Brad’s given to an outsider was to Cam Sutton, who by all reports was a stand-up citizen and hard worker. But you just can’t know until you get them in the building.

I don’t think it’s impossible he hands out a big contract to an outsider (I think he would have to Deebo), but he has to be as close to certain as possible that they’ll be a fit. Familiarity helps, which is why Hendrickson to me could be an option since he played in NO. I just don’t think the Bengals will trade him.


People seem to forget that make a splash at the trade deadline is a two way dance…have to find someone willing to trade what you are looking for.

You will always overpay for a premium player during the season, other teams know this, but as stated above our draft capital isn’t what it once was so it’s not as desired. Why take a pic in low 20’s or in 30’s when you can get a pick in the teens?

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Yea Brad Holmes sucks.


I’d be careful about making any unequivocal statements when it comes to Brad Holmes. He moves around in unexpected ways during the draft, for example, and no one expected him to land DJ Reader either.

Brad always reinforces position groups he sees as a weak link, including CB, QB and DE. The latter failed with Davenport going down, but Brad always goes right back to bat in improving rooms.

So I would not be surprised if he added a guy at the deadline.

They were a whisker away last year, and the brass knows that’s not a given again this year.

I’d keep an eye open at the deadline for a move at DE.

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If there’s a player available that the regime wants at a price Brad is willing to pay, they’ll make a move, even a big one.

The odds of all of those things coming together are small, so it’s unlikely to happen. But that’s not due to Holmes being unwilling to make big moves, IMO. I think he’s open to considering any and all options, but he’s not willing to budge on his key criteria for actually consummating a deal.


It would have to be a maxx effort guy at a position of need that has ties to Michigan. Anyone have any idea what maxx guy would fit that description? That is the only big splash guy trade i could see us making.


I think this is obvious.

First of all, the Lions are picky with what type of player they bring in, he has to check off a lot of boxes in terms of culture fit, versatility, contract etc. although I gotta say that the CJGJ signing last offseason surprised me but that was low risk.

The bottom line is for those who expect the splashy addition like a Hendrickson for example, that’s just not going to happen. Holmes will work around the edges like he usually does looking for a bargain deal and put faith in the current group. He will not compromise long term success for a quick fix. Some might not like it but Holmes track record has earned some benefit of the doubt.


I swear the crap I’m seeing is just ridiculous. We’re 3 games into the season and we are supposed to be trading for either Max Crosby or Hendrickson? Really? I mean they are available right? And I’m sure there’s not any other teams who would want either of those guys? And then the lions are expected to be pretty good so any draft picks they trade will be lower than most, if not all (hopefully) other teams. So why trade with the lions if you can trade with another team?

Im sure if Holmes has an opportunity to add a quality player he will do it….but again, there has to be an opportunity.


It’s like you’ve never even played Madden before, @Lionboy1970.


If we do trade for someone, I expect it will be a name that doesn’t get alot of chatter, but it will be someone that we look at after it’s made and say “wow, that’s a great addition”

Similar to when we added Reader and Zietler in free agency.


Maybe Holmes think the team is still in a rebuilding stage???

On side note, I know he’s current hurt but Aliem has been missing in action

See to me this is a perfect example of a “big” signing for Brad. The short-term, veteran deal in the $8-12M/year range. It’s why I thought it was a possibility, even if I wouldn’t say I expected it. Many here brought him up though.

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And if we are being fair we really should include the Reader signing in the injury gamble category. Hopefully this one works out.