**TNF Packers vs Cardinals Game Thread**

He reminds me of our kicker on the Stevenson Saints in 74. Sprintback, Kicker, and backup QB.
Jim Irwin.

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100% on board with you, and completely agree. Ruining the integrity of the game, and it is no accident. It’s about money.

Word. I really do hope they use him more. He’s a weapon back there. We’re lucky to have him. Dude stays healthy and he’ll be the GOAT.

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Packers offense reminds me of Lions. No wr’s to throw to….

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I understand the “preferential treatment” that GB gets but I just don’t buy into the conspiracy part of it, it’s a stretch.

Cool story. You just said what you were supposed to say.

Well, they have the refs, so…

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Preferential treatment = helping the big money, IMO. Why else would that happen?

Yes I did. The conspiracy theories are over-inflated stories in your head.

So there is NO bias. Right?

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That was touched.

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Bias yes.
Conspiracy theories, no.

Again, you keep telling your stories, they are fictional.

Default TD, until proven otherwise, but depends on if they are scoring or stopping the score. Always favors them

Lol on the no call PI. Welcome to our world GB. Ha ha ha ha

So think about what you just did…which is something very important to understand. Even though you know there is bias, you were able to successfully leap from normal games to cloak and dagger backdoor meetings in a split second. You didn’t even acknowledge ground inbetween, and you are ready to fight for all of that ground.

And I will repeat. Everything is perfectly unbiased, or its cloak and dagger with backroom meetings deciding game scores ahead of time. And since the cloak and dagger scenario is so far fetched…it naturally means everything is completely even and on the up and up. That’s the exact universe that they want you in. You can even say there is bias but then STILL blow it off when actual examples are given.

I almost wonder if we’re on the same page?

What is bias? Do you think refs are bias toward certain players, and all of them happen to wear Packer jerseys?
Why the bias? Friends of the family? Packer fans? Have to justify calls made against GB (which has been admitted in an article quoting an NFL official)?
More revenue for the league if more popular teams win?

This is not an “obvious” catch at full speed…but if you pre-program your head to want it to be, it will be, that is your bias.

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God I hate seeing GB do well. I want them to go scoreless for a decade

He is wiling to acknowledge bias. But when shit gets real he just calls it a conspiracy theory and walks away.

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