Trying so hard to GAF about this game…

But I just can’t

I’m still pissed that the Lions blew a giant ass lead in the NFC championship game and aren’t in this




Agreed. I don’t care at all about this game.


I really won’t care about a non-lion super bowl any time soon. Just going for the awesome food & the beautiful humans I’ll be with.

Also - considering ways to pay for superbowl tickets for next year.

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It’s not just the Lions not being in it. I just hate both these teams.

If the Ravens were in it I’d cheer for them.

Just not feeling it. Maybe I’ll watch the 4th quarter if it’s close.


All I want is a tie game. That doesn’t feel like much to ask.


This is our learning experience. Every Lions player, coach, and fan should watch these 60 minutes of football KNOWING we should be there. Watch every second of the trophy presentation too.

This WILL be us next year.

Every great team had a learning experience like this right before they won it all.

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I’m having a hard time. My wife is a Chiefs fan and her extended family are all die hard Chiefs fans. I rooted for them the first several times they made it but I’m over the Chiefs. Mahomes is becoming Aaron Rodgers (in all the negative ways) and Kelce just isn’t a fun player to root for like his brother or Gronk.

I like the Purdy story and the 49ers skill players but I can’t root against my wife and I think the Shanahans can’t win a Super Bowl without Elway the same way Belichick can’t win one without Brady and Reid can’t win one without Mahomes.

I also can’t help thinking that we could beat either of these teams in this game and that this was our best chance ever at bringing home a Lombardi trophy.



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Like a Father making their child smoke the entire package of cigarettes when busted for smoking. You’re a sick fella @HSVLion :joy::joy:


I get it though

The bad boys couldn’t get past the Celtics until they did… Then they won it all back to back

Then the bulls couldn’t get past the Pistons until they did then they won six of the next eight

And of course, the Wolverines last year

There is a long history of teams in all sports coming up short until they take their lumps and get over the hump

I’m used to the Lions not being in the Super Bowl… But I’m not used to feeling like they should’ve been. They had zero reason to lose against the 49ers coming out of the halftime

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These same Chiefs lost on their own field to Brady and the Patriots in the AFC Championship right before they struck gold.

The 49ers couldn’t get past the NFC Championship game until this year.

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Plus we’re gonna have to hear shit like “last time out against the Lions the 49ers did this, they did that, they blah blah blah.” Bullshit. They didn’t do anything except sit back and watch us hand it to them.

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Can’t wait till it is over !! We can get started on the off-season !!! This crap sucks knowing it should be us !!

def dont care.
It’s on but I am not paying attention to it.

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I might be self soothing a bit here, but it almost feels like the lions weren’t supposed to be in “this one”- the script doesn’t jive… lol

This is the Big Pharma-T Swift- Mahomes bowl-and I think the 49ers are the heal…

Now the draft in Detroit means so much more- more to build, more to accomplish…

Imagine signing 1-2 big free agents, another draft haul, and in OUR TOWN- and DC already stating we are winning it all in 24’.

Next year we go into the year with ACTUAL expectations. 2022 was hope based on a strong draft, and promising finish to 2021- along with ridding the roster of toxic cap and players. 2023 was belief based on how we finished 2022, and again just missing the playoffs felt more right than I wanted accept last year.

Now in 2024 I expect to go 12-5 or better against a 1st place schedule. I expect to win multiple playoff games and win the Division again.

We’ve come a long way. The Lions losing to the Swifties would have killed me- now I’m pulped about the off season.


Not even trying, bro. I’m going shopping for flooring.


I thought i would try and watch…watchdd ghe first series and said ya nope.

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We blew a 17 point lead the largest in NfCC history. You can’t tell me we wouldn’t win the whole ■■■■■■■ thing! Ugh, this place is a prison on planet bullshit!

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Only looking for the scores at the quarters an final for my pool’s

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