Warren Sharp on drafting a QB in R1

Move on to who? Aaron Rodgers?

Won’t mind having that problem wouldn’t you? Stacked up on talent and got a solid squad now they’re a QB away from competing you can take that chance and take a swing at it. No issue going after your franchise QB and missing, the problem is holding onto him and expecting different results, cut it lose and try again. There’s no difference to me a team going 9-8 and one going 5-12… if you’re not competing to win a Super Bowl and going far you gotta make moves and take chances, never settle for mediocre.

I kind of always thought of Stafford as a middling QB and Goff kind of fits that definition as well.

Sure but give up picks for ancient Rodgers and take on that abomination of a contract? No thanks

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I’m with you, I wouldn’t do that, but if that organization believes he’s that piece to take them to the promise land then I respect that and I love teams that are aggressive, don’t settle for being middle of the pack.


It doesn’t paint a fair picture of who AR is as a player if all you are doing is looking at stats and charts. A big part of AR’s accuracy issues are related to his decision making.


and mechanics. but to your point, that’s probably why the lion scouts leaked out they didn’t know what was going on in his head in the huddle.

Even some of his mechanical breakdowns can be traced back to decision making. AR is an odd prospect to watch because he really does show you everything you want to see on film. The film improves over the course of the year, which is what you want to see.

If he goes to a team that has its shit together, he could be a real problem to deal with in the future.

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