Washington chooses Commanders as new name

It’ll be a fitting title when the league Commandeers Snyder’s franchise once the investigation concludes.

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Perfect name for them. Just like how the owner commanded the cheerleaders to take their tops off, took pictures and shared with all his buddies. Disgusting.


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Lately, the more I learn about other teams, the more I love our guys & Sheila


Shoulda went with Neuts.

Is it a slight? Too many chiefs and not enough Indians?

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Well it kind of fits this participation trophy equity era we are in…

“Everybody is a commander… nobody Is higher than anyone else!!!”

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Commanders is way too generic for my liking. It’s a nothing name. Of the other supposed finalists, I would have gone with Red Hogs. It ties in with the team’s history back to their championship team in the 80’s. They already have fans who come to the games dressed like pigs as an homage to that era.

I doubt that Dan Snyder would allow his team to have a porcine name. Which is ironic, since by all accounts Dan Snyder is a goddamn pig fucker.


Hogs would be by far the best for them, as their fans identify with that. Lots of cool, fun, and funny merch, etc. New feel good era, combined with a bit of nostalgia.

let’s not focus on whether the Washington Commanders is a good name but instead focus on the fact a red and yellow team located in Washington DC named itself something that can be shortened to Commies focus on the hilarious aspect of NO ONE realizing this over 2 years




Sounds like a name of a fictious team in a bad football movie.


In other words, perfect by today’s standards.


If they’re going generic they should have at least gone with a local bird. I like the bird names, they’re educational. It’s why I learned what an Oriole was, and I won a little league title as a member of the Blue Jays so that’ll always have a place in my heart. Plus the Ravens is a really cool name and right next door. They could have had a bird mascot rivalry. Oooh, they could have been the Crows, another corvid, and battled it out for best scavengers.

The Condors ???..

Another fine option, although that should probably be a California based team. Actually I have no idea what their range is, I just know I’ve heard of the California Condor.

WoodPeckers…that way, no matter how you shorten it, it’s still an accurate representation.


LOL I’m going to call them that from now on.

I can hear the announcer now…

“And here come the WoodPeckers running out of the tunnel to the mostly empty stadium here in Washington”

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And the Peckers line up to take the snap…


The Buzzards???..Although people might confuse them with the Ravens or Crows…lol

Regarding the Condors…They fly very high, more often found in the Andes (Peru) El Condor Pasa Song from S & G. More related to the vulture family. Huge wingspan, cruise for hours, ugly bird, eat primarily dead carrion.


“The Peckers are having a real problem with ball security today, they have dropped several balls, fumbled a few, and even the ball boy can’t find his”

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Depends on cheerleader uniforms with that one :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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