Week 17 at Packers

Finishing against the Packers. Seems like this happens every other year or so. Hopefully, it matters for more than draft pick positioning.


If thereā€™s any Lions team I would want to take to Lambeau in January it would be this team.


How great of a break through would that be? Have to win at Lambeau to get into the playoffs (or god forbid win the Division) and get it done.


Thatā€™s the exact position we were in back in 2014 at Lambeau when the league flexed us into the primetime spot and Suh almost got himself suspended for stepping on A-A-Ron.

Its weird that we play the Packers so much the final week of the season. You would think the league would rotate it around better, but they donā€™t. Since the league came up with the idea of ending seasons with divisional matchups, we have played the Packers to end the season most of the time. Check this out (last 9 seasons):

2022 - Packers
2021 - Packers
2020 - Vikings
2019 - Packers
2018 - Packers
2017 - Packers
2016 - Packers
2015 - Bears
2014 - Packers


I like it. They should just make it a tradition like college ball does.

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Just keep the last three weeks for divisional games and Iā€™m good. Iā€™d prefer they rotate the teams and locales.

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I like it this year.
Both teams should have something on the line. GB will likely be in the playoffs already, but they may be fighting for home field at that point. Detroit might be fighting for a WC spot.


I would love for this game to come down to a playoff spot for both teams. even if we lose. even if we get trucked, weā€™d be playing for something at the end of the season.

I do like how the nfl tries to make the lions vs packers a rivalry when weā€™re not a rival forā€¦anyone.


I was at this game, it was awesome, other than the fact that a drunk packers lady dumped her beer down my back and it was like 12F. I love that they put the packers at the end of the year. If weā€™re going to be a good team then this is a battle we should welcome and enjoy.


Chillllz, bro! Love it! Letā€™s do this.
I want to see our defense hammer Rodgers into the turf repeatedly.


As we become much less of a ā€œcupcake,ā€ the league will start giving the Packers an easier opponent in that game. This is part of the big money plan to keep GB in the playoffs for ratings. As Detroit gets tougher, youā€™ll see the Bears start to get that game in Lambeau last game of the season.

I donā€™t see that happening.


Is it week 17 or game 17? The last game of the year is week 18 now. The other rumor was finishing on the road against the Vikings. Do we finish the season with back to back divisional road games?

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The Packers is week 18. We finish the season with Bears and then Packers, and the Packers finish with the Vikings and then us.

The Packers so far have seemed to dodge any ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  up scheduling quirks. The only one Iā€™ve seen that I like is they play the Rams on Monday Night and then have to go to Miami on a short week. However the league made it Xmas Day so it shouldnā€™t be super hot. How convenient.


Looks like week 17 is home vs Chicago and week 18 is away at GB


Itā€™ll happen. In a couple more years, though. Until then theyā€™ll be improving their roster.

This year or next, man.


We have been there ā€¦ both home and away. Week 17 v the Packers for the division

It didnā€™t end well

Maybe next time :man_shrugging:t2:

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Donā€™t kid yourself.

Until we have a strong running game and tough defense, ending the season in Green Bay is a nightmare scenario


Exact same in ā€˜11 too. Refs went all, Matt Flynn needs a big payday.

They keep scheduling us last game vs packers because they are trying to do a favor to the puckers.