Well, I'll be

A QB needs a TEAM around him?
Who knew?


Those guys make some really good points. Nice find! Thanks for sharing.


[quote=“LionFrog, post:1, topic:24826, full:true”]
A QB needs a TEAM around him?
Who knew?[/quote]

Thanks for posting.
Don’t forget, need alittle bit of luck as well.
Every team that has won something had a little bit of luck as well.


Lot’s of good reflection on Goff, something that he has earned.


That entire video is full of points most of us here have been preaching for a long time.

But one point I’d like to talk more about is Goff and his confidence. Coming out of LAR it was obvious McVay had beat the kid down and his confidence was wavering. Especially on his deep ball. He wasn’t attacking down field like he should.

I think the Lions have done an amazing job of restoring his confidence. You can see it in everything Goff does and I honestly think he’s growing as a player.

Maybe confidence isn’t the right word. Goff is clearly confident…. Maybe comfort is the right word. When he got here he didn’t look comfortable. He now looks both confident and comfortable managing the Lions offense.

I think the best is yet to come with Goff.


I don’t think anything in here is a surprise.

Sometimes I think we’ve been out of the post-season for so long we forget that most teams in the playoffs have fantastic supporting casts.

It’s those with a QB that can make that throw that make a difference.

That is where I want to see Jared separate himself. That throw he made against GB off his back foot to Kalif Raymond tells me it’s in him, somewhere. Yes, we know Matt had it in spades. But if Jared can harness that when it matters most, he’ll win a championship here.


I rewatched the rams chiefs game and maybe I’m reading into things but the body language and the interaction between Goff and McVay was completely different vs Goff and Dan. When Joyner intercepted mahomes Goff went to embrace McVay and they shared a very very quick exchange where it seemed like McVay was quick to move on……it only became more apparent when you watch him hug other guys and it was a bear hug……vs Dan and Goff bear hugging in multiple occasions and the interaction seemingly being sincere…….Goff’s poise and excitement after tds seems more genuine now……compared to then where he seemed a lot more meek……seeking approval.


I think confidence is the right word.
Not only confidence in his own abilities to perform and to lead the team. Possibly more important knowing that the staff and players have confidence IN him to get the job done which allows him to just play and not get lost in his head(if that makes sense).

He was able to throw the long ball in college and early on with the Rams so I do think we see more of that this year. Depends on how Ben wants to run the offfense.


Is the thing about goff and Mrs mcvay real?

I noticed similar things during his rams days and thought jg just didn’t have any fight in him. I was convinced he was a golden boy type that didn’t put his guts into the game. He’s really shown me otherwise since he came here. Might have just been a bad leadership fit, but something seems to have changed.
This is with me recognizing how he battled with the broken thumb during his rams playoff run. I still felt like he was just going through motions. I now believe that he is a go-to-war type guy but maybe in a kinder gentler gen z way.

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100% real from all the stories that I have heard. McVay treated him like a toddler. Telling him where he had to throw the ball up to the mic cut off as the play clock cut off at 15 seconds. My two uncles are very close to his dad and McVay had very little respect for him. Brad and Dan have empowered him and believed in him. Dan bought in completely last year…

but a lot of that is documented…McVay is a control freak and never moved off the “i am here to fix the rookie who played so badly” where with Stafford he believed he had an established qb who he didn’t need to control and dictate…Goff has grown a lot with BJ and Dan with reading defenses and rebuilding his trust in throwing downfield etc.


That’s terrible coaching from McVay. Goffs college coach said he empowered him at the line with more options than most NFL QBs

Looking at it, I guess it worked out for them for a while but not a sustainable way to develop young talent. Worked out for us though


McVay is also a good friend of Stafford’s brother in law (Kelly’s brother) so he probably always liked Stafford and would treat him differently that someone he didn’t have some type of relationship with.


McVay has his considerable strengths, no doubt. He also has SIGNIFICANT limitations.

Dude has a ton of a-hole to him.


We are over-complicating Goff’s resurgence. It’s simple.

  1. He is surrounded by a really creative playcaller.
  2. He has an elite running game so everything isn’t on his shoulders.
  3. We have an elite OL.

I’ve said it time, and time, and time again - Goff is at his best where he doesn’t have to be elite game to game, snap to snap. That’s why early on in LA he succeeded, they have an elite OL, Gurley, weapons. Not a knock on him, but so much thought is being put into something so obvious.

Give him a strong running game and keep him clean and he can be really good. It’s when you don’t have those things you’ll see the bad Goff we’ve seen before. Thankfully, we have those things in spades.


100% not real if you are referring to the McVay’s girlfriend comment vis-a-vis piping. QBHater’s analysis is right if you were referring to Sean as Mrs. McVay.

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First thing I did when we traded for Goff was REALLY look at his film from Cal. Kid could toss dimes in a bucket from fifty yards. Not the most overpowering arm, but with accuracy like his, who cares.

His first NFL Head Coach was Jeff Fisher.

I’m going to let that statement stand alone and marinate for the minute it deserves.

Not even the good Jeff Fisher with McNair and Eddie George, but despondent Jeff Fisher who knew he was a placeholder getting canned at the end of the year, babysitting the next coaches headache.

Welcome to the NFL Jared Goff.

McVay inherited a shell shocked and confused sophomore QB who HE had not signed off on drafting. He broke down everything piecemeal for Goff, micromanaged him, and never saw anything more than what he saw first.

The Jared Goff that got shipped to the Lions was a shell of that kid from Cal. I give a lot of credit to Dan Campbell in particular for the Jared Goff we’ve watched emerging in front of us.




Goff is quoted as saying that he has a lot of flexibility to change plays at the line. Not all of the sucessful plays are called by the OC.


I always thought what McVay did in LA was amazing. Took a 4-12 team to 11-5, 254 more points and the playoffs. Then to the SB the next year.

If that would have happened in Detroit, it would have been incredible.

Ever since the trade, many Lions fans have been bagging on McVay, who was 43-21 at the time and is currently 60-38 with two trips to the SB and one title.

People are saying he mishandled Goff to help believe Goff can get you past the Divisional Round, not because he should have brought him along slowly/differently to develop him better instead of wanting to win right off the bat, correct?


That was amazing and it put McVay into talks that he was an Offensive Guru and the best young coach in the NFL talks.

When the Rams OL and RB groups took a hit that offense began to struggle and the media began to question McVay… his early success gave him a big ego and he turned to pointing the blame at his QB. I think this is where McVays inexperience as a HC came in. A more experienced head coach would have adjusted his game plan but McVay did not. It wasn’t until he got Stafford that he changed his approach and it paid off for him. I think McVay learned from it and he has openly stated he could have handled it better.