What 49 er fans are saying about the Lions

Even Metallica has turned on its home state 49ers lol.


Of course he will. But lions arent built to stop the pass. All year they have been torched, but some how lions are in the nfc championship game. Takes one hit and he could be out. Since were a dirty team


I have had a similar train of thought. The 49rs are about to become the NFC version of the Bills.


I’ll be there so we’ll test your theory.

I hope not

I’ve never had a problem at other teams stadiums and most of them have had “rougher” fan bases than the 49ers. I don’t count a few verbal jabs from “inebriated guy” as a problem cause I’m not thin skinned and could not care less for the most part. Some drunk dude with liquid courage talking smack has zero bearing on my life as chances are I’ll never see them again. Besides, I’ve never really even heard anything that bad.

Yeah, that guy who can’t pass for shit. lol

I think the 49ers have a lot of reasons to be confident. This is gonna be a tough one. I think its more likely win get blown out than win.

But I do not think its impossible. And its not “so you’re saying there’s a chance” possible either. A good chance, but we definitely should be considered underdogs.

I just really don’t like how we match up on defense. And on defense the Niners do a good job of taking away the middle of the field with their LBs.

We’ll need to run it, chew clock, and force them to run and chew clock. Keep it close…then hopefully we can drown 'em in those deep waters.


The Lion have no experience. Just watch and learn. THe Lions, are going be tamed like puddy cats in 72 hours.

This Lions team doesn’t have experience losing in the playoffs, you’re right. Your team is definitely far more experienced in that regard.


The Lions are going to become the new Dallas Cowboys. Lose against the mighty Niners!!

How many yards and TD’s do you think Purdy throws for?

Here’s the thing. Our defense is designed to give up a lot of yards to the opposing teams QB and best WR. We allow those plays by being aggressive, we’re overly aggressive in an attempt to cause negative plays that stall drives and create take-a-ways. The Lions do this very well. In fact they’ve been best in the league at it since the bye.

Mayfield had 349 yards 3TD’s and 2 INts.
Stafford had 367 yards 2TDs and 0 pics.
Mullins had 396yards 2TDs and 2 pics.
Herbert had 323 yrds 4tds and 1int
Young had 247 yrds, 3tds and 2 INTs.
Mahomes had 226 yrds, 2TDs and 1int.

All of these QB’s lost the game after those performances.

What do you think Purdy will do that those guys couldn’t that will be the deciding factor in the game?

My point is this…. I expect Purdy to throw for 300 + yards (something he’s done 5 times this season) and at least 2TDs.

I just don’t think that will be a deciding factor. The Lions win frequently when opposing QB’s carve them up.


Purdy is just the accurate thrower he his. The other Pro Bowlers are going to make the Lions look like paper tigers. Trust me. Shanahan is going to scheme you newbies and school you all. We are not losing this one. I guarantee it.

We… what position do you play?

This type of talk by 49ers fans is why I started this thread.

They seem to think the Lions will choke the big game away. They are talking from experience so maybe they know something we do not about it.

They seem to think Goff is a choke artist and will blow the game.

They are not worried about our run game but think we should be worried about there’s. They average 132 yards a game at home and we average 133 yards a game on the road.

They are not worried about our passing game but think we should be worried about there’s.

We average 260 yards a game passing to their 257 yards a game passing.

These two teams are closer stat wise then SF fans seem to think.


Well you would hope not after like five tries in a row.

Did you know that Goff has had a higher accuracy rating than Purdy over the last two seasons?


In 72 hours you’re going to realize this isn’t a road game for the Lions when we invade your stadium! I expect pandemonium to break out as we hoist the Halas trophy on your field in front of 30k Lions fans!

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The Athletic Football Show agrees with you and suggested that AG needs to present a blizzard of looks that might be flawed to some degree yet will cause uncertainty and hesitation in Purdy. That’s like a chess player using a flawed line of attack that the opponent hasn’t studied. It can fail spectacularly, but it can succeed if AG’s pop quiz isn’t solved.


We know Goff better than you ever will.

First he went to CAL which is 8 miles from here. I went there and watched him while he was there. He went to High School about 30 miles from here in Marin. My old High School, Acalanes (who just won the State Championship (first time since school opened in 1939). We played against him back then). We know him well and I persoanlly am pulling for him. But, the rest of your team is not ready. How many Pro Bowlers do you have. You dont have the leading rusher in the league. Nor do you have all the playmakers we have on both sides of the ball. I wish you luck but you guys are a year or two away.

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