What Keeps You Going?

Hello Denizens. Well, if you’re reading this, I admire you.

As we will soon lay our heads down on the pillow in recovery from another Lions loss, my question is “what keeps you going?”

Gut punch after gut punch we come back and back. This is admirable behavior.

I thank my son every Sunday night for keeping the faith in the Lions. Gives me that hug in his Lions jersey and off he goes to bed hoping for a better outcome next week, next season, next decade.

Breaks a dad’s heart.

What keeps me going? Well I guess it’s just plain ole loyalty and stubbornness.

I’ll never stop being a Lions fan and I just hope he and I (and you) will be able to see a Super Bowl victory someday.

Best fan base in all of sport are we. Take care mates.


For me it’s either support the team I’ve been following for 30 years or stop watching football all together. I’ve tried finding another team to cheer for and just can’t do it. That being said I can’t watch much of this team right now. I end up playing video games or doing something else until I feel like they are worth watching again.


@bryanlesah, you are a strong fan brother. Keep hanging in there. Maybe just maybe the Lions will reward us.

Thank brother. If a Superbowl does happen in my lifetime I think I’ll be in shock for a few days


First, I can’t root for one team in a totally different city than my 3 other sports teams.

Second, I can’t leave my draft picks now that we have them. I’ve wanted them the whole time and now they’re finally here!!

Third, I’m scared that the second I leave, they’re going to start doing good.

Like if I went and cheered for the local team, which for me is technically the Titans, I feel like Henry would start to hit a ceiling and Thibodeaux would come in and wreak havoc. We’d also get a good OC if I left too. I’m too afraid to miss the success of the least successful franchise in pro sports. Isn’t that something?

Henry the last 2 weeks ahs looked like a guy with a bazillion touches the last 3 years

The pain…


Nothing keeps me going, I’m pretty much out. I’ll watch the games because it’s football. Care if they win or lose, not so much. It just doesn’t matter this year.

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I have emotional anchors to football. I watch with a group of dudes form Michingn every week. There will be between 6 and 20 of us, almost everyone from MI & rooting for the Lions. Once in awhile, we get a weirdo supporting another team.

We always have amazing food, and lots of laughs. To me, it’s a celebration of life, not just football. There may be HUGE changes in my life soon. I’ll keep you guys posted, if it starts to materialize.

If I leave the Lions, it’s because I left the NFL. Biased officiating and stuff like that. You guys know I root for the Bills and the Rams, but that’s more like mid-level curiosity more than “Let’s fucking do this!” LOL

It’s not the same level of emotional involvement and it doesn’t get anywhere near the presence.


@BigNatty, not fair. McDermott, I can see as he sometimes has a smooth cranium.

McVay, no excuse lol.

As a fellow headshaver, I appreciate you and yes Jack Fox is the man!

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Exactly - what a weirdo

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Knowing I’m not trapped by this team, they’re trapped with me…

The Shining GIF by Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time

Knowing that it’s just a game that has no impact whatsoever on my life. I pull for the Lions because since I was a kid I always have. I can’t root for anyone else. It’s the home team.


Boredom, mostly. I just don’t get enough drama these days.

What keeps me going? My Dad God bless him the eternal optimist with the Lions brought me into this living hell we know as Lions Fandom. I remember my uncle coming over and giving me a Pittsburgh Steelers raincoat after they won in 79 or 80 and my Dad going out and getting me a Lions coat instead. This moment in time I can pinpoint was the beginning of my torture. It started slowly by watching the games with my dad, grandpa, uncles. It was fun. Listening to them bitch but every single week be back watching and cheering hoping we will turn the corner. I remember my Dad getting so pissed when games were blackedout. When we got a VCR he showed me how to tape games for him. Watch them every week every sorry ass game. Even in the worst seasons like this one we would still have fun on GameDay. I do the same thing now with my friends for the last 25 years. Get together every game. The wasted seasons and careers. Barry, Calvin, Stafford. All the BS calls the Dallas game, Batted ball, Calvin’s catch. We’ve suffered thru all this, put up with complete incompetance and utter bullshit every year. I can’t give up because one day it’s gonna happen. One day the sun will rise and the Lions will be winners. I just hope it’s in my lifetime. So I guess hope is what keeps me going.


If I had known there were some other teams besides the Lions I might have decided differently which one to support.
Lions are the top for me.
And my football club wears blue jerseys like the Lions, so it makes no sense to change.
Lions forever, when I find the time and money and come to the game in Detroit, it will be a well invested money.

I love NFL football. I have no logical explanation for why I care one bit about the Lions. I just do.


Not watching the train wreck. Takes the emotion out of it.

It’s been wait until next year since the loss to the Ravens.

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Self loathing, Pepcid, peatey scotch, Taco Bell and the fact I used to be a French General in a previous life.