What Will St. Brown and Sewell Extensions Look Like This Offseason?

As the most underpaid player on Lions, it’s hard for me to imagine that Brad won’t extend Amon-Ra St. Brown ASAP this off-season. Penei Sewell isn’t quite as underpaid because of draft position, but he is essential superglue for this team and will likely be extended too. Do you agree? There are benefits to both the players and team to do so.

St. Brown will be a FA in 2025 and Sewell in 2026 after his 5th year option is picked up. I think that’s correct. What might reasonable extensions look like?

School me.

St.Brown gonna cost about 20-25 milli per year


St. Brown is like Jerry Rice reincarnated so if we can lock him up at 20 mil per season it’s a steal IMO.


Sportrac has his value at 26 million per…So yes that would be a steal. He’s been underpaid, so I dont see him taking much of a discount


On his podcast he had mentioned how he’s essentially playing for free right now so he is definitely thinking about it.


Basically i would imagine St Brown could ask for 25 and he should get it if he asks for it. Perhaps he takes a few less, but i doubt it. Sewell is looking more at 27-28 a year and ive hesrd on different shows that we want to do it this offseason and not next bc every year that number is going to go up.


I am right in line with your thinking as well.

Sewell is going to be 23 this off-season and he is arguably a top 5 tackle in the NFL. On the open market he would easily get 30mil+AAV. My guess is he gets around 27-29mil AAV over 4 years tacked on to the remaining years left. Not sure how exactly it works, but I’d assume they will pick up his 5th year option prior to an extension so they get that extra cost controlled year.

St Brown should not approach the true elite #1s like Chase, Jefferson, Hill and DaVante. Those guys are 30mil AAV players.

My guess is St Brown hits the 25mil AAV mark but not much higher.


Both are gonna be looking for 25 million plus per season. And both deserve it


Agreed. I do think 25 is on the table but he could be asking for what the true elites 1’s want and he would be deserving. It would be a really hard stance to take that he is not in their class when you look at what he has done in his first 3 years. I say this with all sincerity. I take St. Brown over Chase 10/10. His work ethic, his no bs, his production, his IQ, his diligence to his craft…I don’t think his number will be 30 but if it was he would be deserving of it.

What isn’t really being talked about is his numbers for this year…he is on pace for a 130-140 catches and over 1600 yards…


Whatever top of the market money dictates especially in Sewell’s case. Maybe Amon-Ra settles in at just under top receiver money.

I sincerely hope that they see something special here and decide to take a bit of a discount to help build a better supporting cast but I doubt it.


A well deserved 50-55 mil between the two of them.

I think there are two main points here and both have been touched on.

#1. Brad Holmes would be insane to let ARSB and Sewell put another year on tape. I view this very much like not extending Goff during the bye week. Really thought they should have gotten that done because his new contract is going up each and every game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not there. Brad could have called his agent 50 times and was simply told we’ll talk later. I have no idea.

#2. Anything less than 25-27 mil per player is a bargain and a discount. Numbers sound nuts but that is today’s NFL. Paying 1.3 mil a game to keep your QB clean and another 1.3 for his favorite target and toughest SOB on this team is peanuts in the grand scheme of things.


I actually agree. I also think that, because of the way he plays the game and work ethic, he could be producing like a #1 WR into his early 30’s as he doesn’t rely as much on his physical gifts as a guy like Chase does.

Sure he may never have the highlight reel plays those guys produce. That understandable. The difference is you very rarely get the lows those guys experience as well. He is just Mr. consistent, and with a QB like Goff, that is huge.


One thing’s for sure. Holmes will be earning his pay check over the next couple years with all the upcoming contracts and trying to keep the building blocks of this team together.

I’ve been pretty darn impressed with his contract efforts to get this team to where it is right now, but now the real work is about to begin. How is he going to keep this going.

I know it’s cliche to say just trust Holmes and his processes, but I really do trust that Holmes has a good plan in place to handle these next couple years to keep these cornerstone players.


I think some bit of discount is baked into an early extension because of the security it provides in a sport where one violent moment can change a lot.

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I trust him, especially knowing he works so closely with Disner and [forget the younger guys name]. Either way, they’re both credited with being very cap savvy people.

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Who is Tim Patrick and how tf is he making 10mil per year

Raiders are paying like 100mil to their WR that they don’t use

No wonder GM & HC got canned



Gonna have to sell more standing room only seats to help with cash flow