Who is your random "I will never root for them" team

Actually, with my rules, you couldn’t pick Dallas either, but no biggie, not many people are playing by the rules anyway.

Yeah, but the rules translate to “aside from the teams you hate, which teams do you hate?”

I literally can’t answer the question, as GB and Dallas are the only teams I truly wish would lose every game.

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So there are no longer any rules, That Team Down South

Patriots and anyone who has coached for them.

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Here’s another one: the Colorado Avalanche


The only thing I hate worse than the Packers is that pompous ass Aaron Rodgers.

…but I did sneak into Lambeau in 96 and waved a Title Towel, because I knew I would never experience anything like that again in my life.

Da Bears… Can’t stand them or their asshole fans. Not all of them are asses but a lot are. I know a lot of people say Raiders or Eagles fans are the most hostile but I would disagree and vote for the Bears fans overall based on my experiences. When you even have Bears fans apologizing for how big of assholes their fans are that just tells you something 'aint right. Therefor, I cannot think of one single scenario I would ever root for them other than it being entirely beneficial to the Lions.

If Bears fans treated us the way we treat each other, this entire place would flake out.

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Stretching this out to include Cowboys, Packers, Duke, Ohio St., Yankees, ND, Blackhawks, Celtics and anything Pitino or Carroll.

The Viqueens, Packers and Bears used to be fairly equal on my hate list. I probably even hated Minnesota the most for some reason.

But the recent seasons of Green Bay and Rodgers being carried by corrupt NFL officiating in critical moments has vaulted them to the top.

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NFC Central, but especially the Packers
Seahawks - strongly dislike Pete Carroll
Dallas - Hated them since I first got involved watching football
Jets, Patriots, Saints