Why isn't the SuperBowl played on a Saturday?

My sister-in-law stopped by yesterday and asked a very simple but brilliant question, Why don’t they play the SuperBowl on Saturday night?
It only makes sense, people don’t want to stay up late on a Sunday night. People want to go to a SuperBowl “party” and not have to worry about being hungover and tired for work on the first day of the week. You’d get more viewers, bigger parties, etc.

Why does the NFL continue to play the SuperBowl on a Sunday evening? Anyone know?..I don’t.


Remember the old talk of making the Monday after a national holiday?

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Ask Google…


I say this every year.


The one item that stood out from that article was regarding President’s day. I have never had the day off on Presidents day, not in 40 years of working. Am I alone in this?

From the article:
That being said, if there’s one solution that could make everyone happy, it’s putting the game on the Sunday before Presidents Day. Most people have that Monday off,


I never get President’s day off either. Most places I work do give me MLK day off though, if they wanted to move it the other way.


You absolutely would NOT get more viewers. Saturday night tv is where ratings go to die. Yes it would mean more partying but the nfl is interested in viewers, commercials and ad dollars.


Why do ratings die on Saturday night tv? Also, wouldn’t people want to watch the super bowl just the same? If it’s on people will do what they always did on Sunday, just on Saturday instead I would think. But I could be wrong!

I also hate having the college football championship on a Monday, and late on a Monday at that… At least the Super Bowl starts at 630 ET. But from the ratings perspective I suppose I can see why they do it on a Monday Vs over the weekend


Lol I have never had Presidents’ Day off… although maybe government workers get the day off.

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Because most people who have any sort of social life aren’t home on Saturday nights - they’re out doing things. Most people who work normal jobs are home on Sunday nights because they work Monday morning, which is why Sunday nights are generally good for ratings.

I could see the Superbowl being an exception for this because it’s literally an event in itself. People get together socially for the Superbowl and I’m not sure how much of a hit it would take moving from Sunday to Saturday.


Does being on The Den on a Saturday night count as a social life? Asking for a friend…


That makes sense but that’s also what I was getting at, people go out anyway for the Super Bowl so would it really change that much? I can understand your point though.

These days, most full time employee’s get either MLK Day or Presidents day off. A friend of mine doesn’t like to be closed so he gives his people a choice.


The company started giving me Juneteenth off last year which was a first for me. I never heard of that one when I was a kid. I’ll take it though.

We also get Black Friday off. I could have used that for a recovery day from the Lions over the years.


Agreed… Sunday Night Football is BY FAR the highest rated TV “show” every week it is on…. even when the matchup isn’t the best.

The Saturday night wild card game was well behind in ratings compared to the other 5 games that weekend.


Same divisional round…. despite having a huge market team with Giants playing Philly.

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It can’t be too bad on Saturday nights because usually all the UFC, Boxing and WWE events are on Saturday night pay per views.

Also, maybe the NFL doesn’t want to compete with all those other events on Saturday nights. For example UFC 284 was last night, it was terrific. I was looking forward to it more than the super bowl. Volk was robbed last night. The bald man was robbed.


Saturday night IS where tv ratings go to die with it’s current shows, these shows are not the SuperBowl, wouldn’t you agree?

The SuperBowl is something different. It is an event, it is a reason for social gathering, it’s not your every day event or show. The Superbowl is an event that people get together for. Do you realize how many bars are open on Saturday evening but not Sunday evening? Every bar in most of the world would have the Superbowl on if it was on Saturday.

The NFL and it’s advertisers would definitely have more viewers and could demand more money for it’s commercials.

I love football, can’t remember the last Superbowl I watched in it’s entirety. Would I watch it in it’s entirety on a Saturday night?..most likely.
To be honest, I really don’t watch the second half of Superbowls and probably won’t because I don’t want to miss out on sleep and be dragging ass on Monday. The only way I’d watch the second half of a Superbowl now is if the Lions were in it…and then I’d just take a vacation day for Monday or maybe the whole week.


But if the Superbowl was on a Saturday, they’d just push the UFC or any other events out a week.


Is that because the UFC, boxing, and the big WWE events have relied on pay-per-view… which are popular for people to go out to a bar to watch it?

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Imagine the bar scene for Saturday night super bowl!? Most of us just like the idea of Saturday Super Bowl so we aren’t hungover as ■■■■ on Monday mornings… haha lets be honest here folks.