Woof. Lions double season ticket prices

Is it better to pay less for a worse product or pay more for this product ?

To me , the greed does start with owners who for most
Could probably run the team altruistically and not bring home a profit
But they need to make money too.

Judging from how it went from Candlestick to Levi’s from those who had season tickets since Kezar …
They sell out the stadium and not care who shows up. The years of loyalty aren’t worth too much.

But if lions are winning , it’s likely Lions fans show up.

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The cold reality is that the Lions owe the fans nothing—other than hopefully putting a winner on the field . They didn’t force you to buy season tickets and gate receipt revenues are probably a small percentage of team revenue. They are charging you ticket prices commensurate with the product they put on the field. If you decide that the product isn’t worth your hard earned money—don’t go to the game. Watch it on tv. My old man said 30 years ago that the only way to get your message across to Lions ownership regarding the product on the field was through the wallet by not buying tickets.

It absolutely sucks but it is what it is. Welcome to capitalism and the concept of “what the market will bear.”

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The cost of winning.

Tickets are a small portion of what this team pulls in for revenue. And not buying tickets will do nothing to their wallet. If I had to guess, the money from tickets goes to pay for game day costs (workers pay, utilities, giveaways, etc.).

These are things that remind me why I only went to one game ever. And I hated it overall. Television time outs were what got me disgusted with it all.

I try to keep my high school mentality of supporting your local team but I stopped treating them like an idol a while ago…

There is nothing imho that I can say or do to justify 1000.00 for seats to a game….

I can drop that same amount on Direct TV and rest naked in my recliner and watch not just a few Lions games but other stuff as well: it’s crazy ….

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We were due

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That was rather salty…

Merchandise sales is really where it’s at. The Lions don’t merchandise properly. I went to the American Girls doll store in Chicago to shop for my daughter. They had pajamas for every nfl team but one. The Lions …employee told me that they never get Lions merchandise. Most NFL teams sell Santa hats at Christmas…. Not the Lions.

Yes, agree with this.
Sponsorships also generates considerable revenue. I have no insight on this, but I’m betting Ford signed a very sweet deal with the Lions for the stadium naming rights.

The cynicist suggests the tax payer ask for a new stadium comes next

Only if it’s for rebuilding the silverdome!! :crazy_face:

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Its great that its downtown, but somehow it needs to hold more people.

NFL probably upgrade that to double platinum blood diamond dome

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