Woof. Lions double season ticket prices

How come Pistons tickets aren’t $5?

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To think I was priced out of my season tickets in '83…

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Doubling pricing isn’t fair market value. It’s price gouging.

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Will they sell out?

Time will tell I guess

If they do then that’s fair market price, right? And I do get it. I don’t function this way as a business owner. But they’re a sensation unlike anything I’ve been a part of so :man_shrugging:

They have been trying to give homeless people free tickets all season. But they just throw them in the trash


So they aim for the trash and get the tickets in there? Perhaps the Pistons should scout that population?

Thats no way to treat homeless people!

Damn, Tom Gores is a huge POS!


My tickets went up $200 for the year before last season. Now for 24-25 season are up $1200 from this season. But I think they were the same price since I moved to my current price level of seats from 2018-2021 season.

One thing that is also missing in this, is the Lions are assuredly going to lose a home game next season to an international game. The NFL rules are every team must play in one at least every 8 years and the Lions last played in one in 2015, so they are due.

The price increase isn’t going to bother me financially (as I am sure it will others). But the problem I have had with the Lions in the past was I put up 3 games for sale on the ticketexchange and the team threatened to take my tickets away for being a scalper. You better believe I am going to be selling some games at a premium next year, no more selling at face value or giving tickets to family and friends. This is now a business. :money_mouth_face:

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What if they raise tickets like they did in 2018 only to sell out game one like they did in 18 and then struggle over the next 7 home games to have fewer and fewer fans turn out like they did in 2018. Then those season ticket holders will be sitting on thousands of dollars of tickets each game that they can’t even give a way. Like what happened in 2018 but double the prices only to have a huge drop in season ticket sales like they did in 2019.

Did they get fair market value for one game in 2018?

Raising prices like that can have a negative impact on the local businesses, concessions and a lot more if the team has any real struggles.

It’s going to be cheaper to go to away games.

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I do believe that’s helped drive this traveling fan phenomenon. The Saints GM mentioned it

But even the example of 2018 hasn’t really hurt the Lions in the same way losing hasn’t hurt them. They stop had money coming in.

I’d say one hope is it means they do everything they can to remain relevant and not just cashing in.

Also , I thought Detroit had lower third ticket prices vs other nfl markets. Not they they’ve been amongst the highest.

as they should, they have been a lower third team in the league since the 1990s.

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Yes. People are suckers and they know it.

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The Lions don’t care. The UofO athletic department doesn’t care that they’ve hurt hundreds of small businesses either. Lodging they’ve helped. But food and beverage has taken on the chin due to scheduling priorities. They don’t care. Their slice is getting bigger.

I don’t like it but it’s a system wide phenomenon. We are long into a cycle of greed which goes beyond just simply capitalism. It’s a particularly selfish “hey, I’ve got mine” variant but it’s been the dominant strain for 40 years. It is what it is.

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Buy a big screen instead, stay home, save money and enjoy the rebuild from your couch.


Looking at playoff tickets, anywhere in the lower bowl is over a grand… Got my eyes set on some that are 800 :man_facepalming:t2:

I think loyalty should be rewarded for these season ticket holders.

Maybe a tiered system?

30+ years - season ticket holder = %15 increase
29 -20 years - season ticket holder = % 20 increase
19 -10 years = % 30 increase
9 - 1 = % 50 increase

Something like that…you get the idea.

I assume it was an increase in prices across the board, but maybe the Lions did have tiered increases? I don’t know the full details of the price increase.

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Well it looks likes when you get the grit finely along comes the greed. Come on Shelia you might as well kick fans in the balls for being loyal.
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