Your true accent

Born and raised in Michigan, don’t drink ‘pop’ but still call it that and WTH is Euchre? I vaguely think some kids I knew in college played it, but it’s been Spades day and night with my Michigan peeps.

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Lions were my favorite animal as child. I’m from Rochester… NY! Really got into football when Barry was a god. That’s my connection, but it fits.
Didn’t know i had an ACCent until i moved to Philadelphia as an 18 year old.
Yes to pop. Love Euchre.
I use 2’s & 3’s to count … relax.


I don’t know, but sometimes I go to Wal-Mart to look at The Redneck Wildlife there *

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How does this not surprise me that Weasel and Natty are both euchre enthusiasts?

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Forgot to add that I am a most excellent euchre player. We always played cards around our house growing up. Learned to play Canasta, Spades, Cribbage, Poker, Hearts, Acey-Duecey, Gin Rummy and euchre. Never learned to play bridge though.


Spades is a card game. If you are in Michigan and someone say’s “Let’s play Cards.” They are talking about playing Euchre. Much faster than Spades and you don’t need a pen and paper to keep track. Just a couple of 5’s from the deck.

Grew up in Michigan.

Pop is actually a hilarious word. It would be like naming it “Boom” or “Wham” or any other various terms you would see spelled out in the original Batman TV series.

“Up North” is distinctly a Michigan thing.

Michigan Left

Enter the Roundabout - Sounds like a mixture of something Paul Hogan would go on and a Wu Tang Clan album.


Whatever accent frequently uses “f$ckin” as an adjective is my accent.


To further pile on, Up North is across M-61. “The Thumb” starts north of M-46. Lake Michigan is “The Rich” side and Huron is “The Poor” side.

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That’s more inclusive that I would have gone…probably like Cadillac

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And if you haven’t ever used your hand as a map, you ain’t from Michigan…

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Same for me. Never been anywhere close. I’ve been surrounded by southern accents all my life. My wife sounds like she stepped out of a William Faulkner novel.


People in FL never mention a “Michigan accent”. I think FL ppl sound just like us.

the ppl who sound different…well…THEY are the ones with the accent…not us. LOL

Definitely a sport for the handsome. That’s for damn sure!

This is my experience too.

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We left “the thumb” area heading “up north” to “the UP”, we’ll be crossing “the bridge” on our way to “the Soo”…
Probably eating Be-Mo potato chips and swilling Vernors “pop” along the way.


Westside Till I Die


“Yoopers” I suspect have a certain twang or accent way of talking than the lower parts of Michigan…


When I was doing the first couple of years my undergrad at Ferris, I always had a bunch of out-of-state pharmacy students in my chemistry classes (Ferris had one of the top pharmacy schools in the country).

I was talking to some guys from Ontario, and after they asked where I was from, I started instinctively pointing at my palm.

I made the comment, “Isn’t it funny how everyone from Michigan uses their hand as a map?”

The guy looked at me, kind of bewildered, and said, “So THAT’S what that means? I never understood why people were just pointing at their hands when talking about their home town.”

Barry played a huuuuge part.

But so did a lot of other weird ass things, like the Hartford Whalers, my Pop Warner Football Schedule, Beverly Hills Cop, The Kentucky Fried Movie, Robocop and the Bad Boy Pistons.

The Whalers: I grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut. That ain’t Boston, and that ain’t New York. We had one professional sports team in my childhood, the Hartford Whalers. I hate the Rangers, and I hate the Bruins, damned if I’m gonna root for a New York or Boston team.

My Pop Warner Football Team: Bizarrely. we played on SUNDAYS at 1pm. And after that, I had late mass, usually in my freaking uniform along with 1/2 the league. So I very rarely watched Sunday football, instead what NFL games I could watch in my formative years were Thanksgiving, MNF and playoffs. This is where Barry came in. When I got to watch him, he was absolutely electric.

Beverly Hills Cop, Kentucky Fried Movie, Robocop and the Bad Boy Pistons: Detroit’s reputation, if you didn’t have to live there, was awesome. Detroit would ■■■■ you up. You don’t mess with Detroit. That appealed to me and matched my own playing style: I was an undersized, under talented DT. I did, however, have a nasty streak and a great first step. If a bigger, more talented, OL gave me the window, I could shoot off the ball and eat his lunch. Detroit’s media reputation resonated with my play.

And that, is how I came to love the Lions.