Backup QB

Regarding Smith versus Lock, FO recently opined that it would come down to whether the Seahawks wanted a 3-and-out (Smith) or a turnover

I feel the same with Blough versus Boyle

The Lions blew it by not taking Willis. The entire league really overthought that selection. He is going to make 31 other teams pay the price for passing on him. He has some very elite traits aside from his athletic ability. He will be starting by week 6.

Make sure to bump this week six to prove yourself right.

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I’d take Carson Strong over Sudfield.

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that’s what she said!

…just messing with ya bro!

funny just for laughs GIF

Black And White Tiger GIF

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LOL - Nice!

I guess everyone knows I would have preferred a backup with the element of potential upside.
It is what it is.
Nobody’s perfect.

I think we are all perfect, bro. :wink:
For Real

How about we just say, “beautifully unique”?:rofl:

That too. Of course.
We are no less perfect than trees, clouds, deer, rabbits, oxygen, or an ink pen.
We are nature just as much as nature is nature.

This is FANTASTIC, and I promise you’ll love it. It touches on this principle.

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Perfect is boring. One of my all-time favorite girlfriends was batshit crazy.

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Depends on ones definition, I reckon.
I’m certainly not “perfect” in the traditional sense.
I need a sign over my head that says, “mistakes r us”.
But, I do see the other side of the argument, too.
We’re all growing at the pace our talents, traits, and intellect allow for.
Then, there’s my son, we’ll call him “Crash”. Their were signs early on, we called him and his brother, “Search and Destroy”. “Destroy/Crash” trained “Search”.
Some folks refuse to learn the easy way, from others mistakes. That’s not making the best of your gifts.
Btw, I readily admit that they probably inherited that…from my dad.:laughing:

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…and she was perfect.
While I know what you mean, when you say “perfect is boring”…I’m referencing it in a different regard.
It would take a TON of energy for me to explain it, especially typing.

We judge things that are painful or uncomfortable. When we think we are having a “bad” day, that is the fertile soil we need to grow from. A “bad day” is perfect. It is what you needed to level up. It doesn’t feel fun, so we judge it.

Your drama queen was AMAZING in bed, but you judged her when you fought, eh?
She was crazy and rebellious. And that was great…when it worked in your favor.


Judgement is the only thing that could ever make a human not perfect.

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Love it!

I like your definition of perfect.

This discussion makes me think of an old episode of the Twilight Zone called “A Nice Place to Visit”. It’s about a crook who is shot by police and goes to the afterlife. Everything is so perfect he becomes bored. He asks to go to the “other place” only to be told that he already is in “the other place”. Classic.


Very cool premise.
Some really smart writers out there.

I think - or hope - that the older we get the more we realize how flawed we are

We are the common denominator for all of our failed relationships

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We are absolutely the common denominator of all of our relationships.
Also - NONE of our relationships have ever failed. They taught us, helped us grow, empathize, show us what we dont’ want, show us what we do want, etc.

Relationships are for

If you did any or all of those things, your relationship did not fail.
…you DID do all of those things.

We are not flawed, we just grow differently.

Hell, nobody can even define what perfect is, as we all have a different idea of what that is.
“Nobody’s perfect” is societal programming.

Trust me, my brothers. You are SPECTACULARLY perfect!

I’m aware that shakes most ppl’s identity, and our ego has a massive problem handling that.

Biggest lie society has ever told us → “Nobody’s perfect”
■■■■ that shit! EVERYBODY’S Perfect…cuz Natty said so!!! (in stone cold Steve Austin voice)


thank you, with many many more words you said it better than me

we are the common denominator of all of our relationships, whether they were fulfilling or not