Chris Spielman says

There’s a rumor that Matty P might be out if the Lions get railed on TDay

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You’re getting out over your skis on this one.


I’m either the President or Vice President of the Fire Patricia club and even I don’t think it’s absurd that Chris legitimately believes in what they are doing.

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BTP = Iggy




I was thinking supreme dictator :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I bet there is. I hope it isn’t true, not because i think he is necessarily the answer, but because I think whatever he is trying to do is going to take time. Give him the next year to 18 months then get rid of him if he fails. We don’t want to be the browns…

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Browns are about to make the playoffs

They are? Did you copy and paste that from the preseason Browns hype threads?

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Listen I think Kitchens is an abomination as a coach and worse than Patricia, in addition I just couldn’t see an offense with Greg Robinson starting at tackle be explosive.

With all of that being said their schedule and talent is going to get them to 9-7.

I didn’t believe in them at all in preseason

I was referring to the '95 Browns who got rid of Bellichick. You would hate to give up and see MP flourish somewhere else.

The organization that fired Bill Belichick has won 2 Superbowls in the last 20 years.

Bill has won more but I’d take 2.

They would have to look like we did against the Titans on TDay in 2008 or in England that game against the Chiefs.

Even with a #3 QB that aint happening by the Bears

The Browns won 2 Super Bowls? Or are you referring to when they moved to Baltimore?

Belichick was in Cleveland from 1991-95, going 6-10, 7-9, 7-9, 11-5 and 5-11 over five seasons before the Browns packed up and shipped east.


Just another reason for delayed gratitude over instant.

Give him another yr

The team that fired Bill Belichick has nothing in common with the Cleveland Browns except the city they play in and team name.

The team that fired Belichick was in a chit city that drains the life out of teams and players. The team that replaced them is in a chit city and drains the life out of teams and players.:rofl:


That is correct. But That is also a separate point. They fired Bill Bellichick and he went on to have unparalleled success.

It’s interesting to see how people handle Spielman on this board.

It’s a lot like PFF for some reason. Only useful when it supports a specific viewpoint. I can remember posting Chris’ POV on things and getting bashed for it.