Dan Campbell on the Lions offensive depth after loss to Jaguars: 'We're always looking'

Just my opinion but Jamo has already made it were it was a bad pic at 12. Jamo can still succeed as I said before and this injury won’t dictate his career. But Jamo is and was a major project between his injury and his immaturity , it will be year 3 at earliest. A 2 year project isn’t worth a top 12 pic in my opinion.

Come on, bud. This isn’t that hard. I’m not sure if it’s an episode of cognitive dissonance on your behalf or if you are trying to troll me by fawning acting daft. Bc again, I know that you are a smart, well educated fella.

I never once said what Brad would or would not do. You said, “THANK GOD Brad doesn’t think like that.” I responded “he may.” Bc of course when it comes to taking a 2 down NT at 12 neither of us have a clue.

Then you doubled down by saying this. Which again is your inference based off a comment Brad made when discussing Jack Campbell. To take that comment and extrapolate a stance with the certainty displayed in the quote above is specious reasoning through and through.

Why are you trying to suggest I have some burden of proof to explain what Brad would do when I have never opined what Brad would do in the first place? That makes zero sense. You, not me, are the one that (I believe) was implying how Brad would feel about taking a Nose Tackle at 12. You in the very least have certainly come closer to doing so.

I was voicing my opinion over Jordan Davis at 12 being a terrible value AND I did so while mentioning that if one thought high end pass rush chops where there then that changes things. And if you want to make the comparison to Gibbs or Campbell that versatility which Davis has to date not ever shown would be the link.

I have no idea why this had to go down like this. I generally find you to be a nice guy, well mannered and fun loving poster. For whatever reason you went zero to sixty with the caps locks and the passive aggressiveness. Disappointing but I’m not a grudge holder so moving on.

I won’t speak for @CuriousHusker but for me, I was talking about positional value re: cost and roster value. That’s why LB, RB, OG, TE, etc… are considered lower value positions. They need to be elite to justify their cost. I thought Brad wouldn’t go that route because his first 2 drafts had been all about high-value positions, but I was wrong.

But nose tackle is different - and more like kicker, punter, long snapper, etc… - in that it’s a position that loses value based on being a part-time position. That’s not true of LB, RB, etc…, those are full time positions. Very few part-time positions warrant 1st round selections.

The exceptions are when you actually expect they can play 3 downs like Dexter Lawrence and Vita Vea, or when you’re so loaded with talent you can take a chance on one. And I bet the Eagles hoped Davis could play more than just 2 downs based on his combine, but again, he’s shown nothing to that effect either in college or during his rookie year.

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The caps are nothing personal….just the way I place emphasis on what I am saying. That said….here is the quote that I am referring to above. Again, the man doesn’t care about position value. He didn’t pass on Jordan Davis because he is a two down DT. He passed on him because he wasn’t the best player on his board. His position had nothing to do with why he passed on him….that’s all I’m saying.

Yeah I was making more of a reference to this saying , the kicker punter long snapper reply to the RB position. Somebody said this not sure if it’s was you or husker maybe even someone else. We all had long debates over the positional value thing.

Context, context, context, Richard.

If you want to take comments about a LBer and interpret that literally and then transpose that to an altogether different situation, that is fine. I do believe that would lead you to an incorrect conclusion bc in doing so that would mean you would have to also be suggesting that Brad would be quite comfortable selecting a FB at 12?

Are you suggesting that Brad would take a Fullback at 12? Clearly you aren’t. Why is that? Oh yeah,
it’s because you understand that context is important and by taking literal interpretations and applying them out of context you will arrive at foolhardy, wrong headed conclusions.

Look bro…I don’t have to read anything into what Brad said other than WHAT HE SAID. To say CONTEXT is to try and guess what the man would do. Imma link the whole article because this is quite simple to me. You are trying to suggest how Brad thinks because it what YOU THINK but at the very least I am going by a direct quote from Brad himself. Like That’s2 just said, he didn’t think Brad would take a RB that high but guess what, HE DID. To use examples like FB and K is just trying to be right about this. To me there is no right or wrong. It’s just facts and the fact is Brad said specifically he doesn’t look at position value. So if he ever does take a K in the first round it wouldn’t shock me at all.

But I’m not. You keep saying this? What are you referring to? Go back through the thread. I think I’ve been very clear to suggest that we don’t have evidence either way outside of the fact that he passed Jordan Davis. My comments about value were clearly my opinions.

It’s not simply about trying to be right. You posted a Holmes quote. The reason I brought up Full Back (and really two down NT is likely the very next position up the value ladder btw). It is to show you the folly that you are committing by applying a very strict literal interpretation to one comment that Brad made during a 75 minute podcast.

That’s why it’s an important point bc if you are saying that he didn’t mean fullback then your argument completely falls apart. You can’t highlight that Brad said there are no premium positions and then make the arbitrary dividing line between FB and run stuffing NT. So, the important question remains, do you think Brad would take a Fullback at 12 overall or would positional value prevent him from doing so? So, what do you think, Richard?

Again, Brad said this in regards to the context of the Jack Campbell pick. Making wide sweeping judgments based off of that one comment is fallacious reasoning.

Here is what I think Husker….another screenshot of his quote. If FB is the best player FOR HIM then yes he would do it. What determines if a FB would be who knows…only he does. But I certainly won’t say that he’d never take a FB at 12 unless I hear him say that specifically.

"That’s not what the case was?

If we’re playing the literal interpretation game wouldn’t “was” imply that he was talking about that specific case rather than his general philosophy?

Adding or maybe subtracting from the debate here…

but Brad’s quote is in the past tense. Which could or could not be an indicator of future decisions. One could or could not even debate whether Brad’s quote applies only to the specific situation he is discussing. :thinking:

I knew I liked you :joy:

Thx. But I was speaking to both of yus

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I had a Bijan man crush so I was probably all over the place on the RB thing. Don’t think I ever got to taking him at 6 but I was all for Bijan at 18.

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Right. I just meant that we posted a very similar point t the exact same time.

The only conclusion I draw is he will take the best player for the team and the highest rated on his board regardless of position. And he has proven that with taking an injured WR, a RB which plays a very devalued position and a LB that most thought would go in the 2nd round or later. So that’s all I have…you guys believe whatever you’d like

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Perhaps…but his general philosophy is to take the highest rated player on his board and the player that is best for the team regardless of position… :man_shrugging:

Yeah I did too, I was ok with him at 6. And I’m ok with Gibbs at 12 if the is that good.


Within reason of course. Positions are always going to be a consideration if not for positional value then for roster composition reasons. KC isn’t going to take a QB even if Caleb is available and they have the number one pick. It’s never black and white for any GM in just about any facet. It’s a very nuanced job which is in part what makes it such a difficult job.

I agree with that…its why Chicago didn’t take Bryce Young or CJ Stroud and traded out of #1