Darious Williams makes too much sense


I’ll put money on it.


Are we changing DEN rules Nate?


5’8" an check his age . Will depend how much he wants . He is ok but after 30 CB’s hit a wall one year or two back loaded with a out ok. Date of Birth: March 15, 1993

He’ll be 31yo in 10 days…. so probably looking at a 1-yr contract regardless of where he lands.

He probably can’t find many better chances to start on a winning team than here… and wouldn’t make much sense for rebuilding teams to offer him much money at that age.

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This signing makes a ton of sense. Add Williams, re-sign Mosley, and draft an outside CB you love (I’ll leave who and wear to Brad). That’s a great start to fixing the position.


If you have to do two years and it leaves you with 2m in dead money if you have to cut him then oh well (IMO).

The bigger issue is that he really excels in zone. That’s also Sutton’s best fit. Is that what AG wants to do? I have no idea.

Say an even $50.00 :innocent:

Ha. Conjecture.

I would rather Gilmore from Dallas Bigger CB but older I do agree a Vet is needed . Quality Vet. I also think Vildor has chance to be back. Remember he just was picked up around mid season an yes we want to bash some do on few plays but over all he did OK for learning system an just joining half way in season. He supports run well an also plays ST important to Lion staff.

I will not remind posters but I told you Mosely could be back on low cost contract. Depth is important in secondary.

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He’s sure as hell an upgrade over Vildor and Jacobs.


It is exactly the type of mid tier move for a reasonable cost I would expect Holmes to serious consider.

2 years, 15mil is probably a reasonable ballpark for him. Would allow us to draft a CB this year and let him develop behind Sutton/Darious/Moseley.

It also frees up cap space to spend a little on the DLine in FA.

DJ Reader (2 years, 20mil)
Khalil Mack (once he is cut) (2 years, 35mil)
Darious Williams (2 years, 15mil)
Nick Gates (1 year, 4mil)
Quandre Diggs (1 year 5mil + 3mil incentives)
Resign Glasgow 3 years, 18mil)
Resign Reynolds (1 year, 3mil)

I may be a little low in my numbers. Reader is coming off a torn quad and turning 30 this season, he may be a bargain. I have a hard time believing someone is going to trade for Mack and pay him 23mil for 2024 at age 33. I personally think his range is 16-20mil AAV and I doubt he gets more than 2 years.

Diggs age and recent play likely keeps his value low. Gates is a similar signing to Glasgow last year, IMO.

Not too flashy, but something similar to this would be a home run and really free us up to grab BPA in the draft.

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I think he meant this…

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It certainly does not appear AG wants to play much zone. We were bringing the house last year and leaving corners on islands a lot.

Now maybe that changes if we could get pressure with the front 4 though.

I think his ethos is man. But we started being zone heavy but we couldn’t generate enough pressure and struggled with our LBer drops. Ultimately they’re going to mix it up but I have no clue what they will lean into. And Sutton is much better in zone.


Shit. Didn’t see the name in the title. Will merge when at laptop.

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A coach willing to adapt to maximize our team’s production based off the talent and strengths of our guys?

Sounds like a good coach to me.

Shout out Aaron Glenn


He deserves a chance to earn a spot at camp. To come in off the streets and hold your own as the #2 on a team that shoulda went to the Super Bowl says a lot


Agreed. Give Vildor the vet minimum and let him compete. As a backup and special teamer might be decent. Just has no business being a starter.


It is hard to quit on a name like that

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Can’t say I followed Williams much with the Jags but he was a baller in LA. By all accounts he was with Jax as well. And actually graded out really well with PFF. Gotta like the fact he was successful in both places.

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