Desean Jackson comments

It’s a shame that more people know who Al Sharpton is than know who Thomas Sowell is.


You didn’t give me any examples.

I gave you some known facts to rebuttal your claims.

The truth is that Blacks have the benefits and opportunities you claim they do not. Fact is they have more opportunities in many situations. In some situations they probably don’t.

Some see racism where there is none. Some even created it

We just had a black president for the love of god. That proves opportunity exists for everyone if they want to grab it.

I think losers sit around and complain how unfair things are while winners seize the opportunities presented to them.

Seize the day my friend.


USA doesn’t have a racism problem. Do we have racist, yes. But it’s not a issue like it was. Other country have race issues as well. Just seems like it’s mostly none color people who should just mind their business.

well for starters…

how many white people are busing their kids into black neighborhoods / school systems so their progeny can get a great education and head start into college? if you had / have kids, would you consider that as an option?

I’m from the school of thought that there IS systemic racism.

That said, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Schools - poor people live in places where property taxes and rent are low. There are some systems in place that add to that, but the truth is, none of this shit is as black and white (you catch that?) as it appears.

The only absolute truth I see in all of this is love is the answer. Truly trying to help our fellow man, regardless of color.

That has nothing to do with equal opportunity. Or race. There are wealthy and poor neighborhoods for nearly every race in America.

Everyone has an equal choice where they raise their children, and what schools they choose to send them too.

This is exactly why I ask for examples.

Choices mean everything.

nobody chooses the situation they are born into! no one. what choice do you have before you’re 17 to choose what kind of education you’re going to get if you’re born into poverty? honestly none. you’re already at a huge disadvantage. you’re going to get whatever is up the street in the hood where you’re born.

you on the other hand, presuming you’re coming from a more privileged background, would never send your kids to a shittier school district or neighborhood. unlike the situation described above, you actually have that choice but you never would use that choice because you don’t believe the situations are equal.

i’ll put it to you another way. assuming you had / have kids, if you swapped them with the kids of a family living in the ghetto, the ghetto kids would have a better education then your own kids which you pawned off on some other family in a lesser advantageous situation.

where you go to school during your formative years has absolutely nothing to do with choice. it’s luck of the draw.

The situation your born into has nothing to do with your rights. Or not having less opportunities based on race.

People go from poor to rich everyday in this country (and vice versa) and it has nothing to do with race or racial opportunities. A white, Hispanic, black or Asian child born into poverty has the same opportunities.

Poor income families have student aid available to them. Truth is that it’s easier for the poor child to go to college than the middle class. Most middle class families struggle to pay for more than one child’s education. Often taking on serious debt to do so.

I personally didn’t qualify for any student aid. I went to college on a football scholarship. Once injured they pulled my scholarship. I chose to finish my education and finished school by taking out student loans. I finished school owing over $70K in student loans. It took me years to pay them off. One of my high school buddy’s went to college as well. He was a poor farmer and qualified for student aid. He finished school with a similar degree owing zero in student aid. Which one of us had it easier?

The facts are the poor have more financial opportunities available to them to better their education than the middle class do.

Your argument is based off economic class not racism. Poor white kids that grow up in inner cities don’t have the same opportunities as kids from the suburbs. The same as black kids from the suburbs having more opportunities than black kids from the ghetto. The problem is it’s made racial because that is what is referred to has “ white privilege. “

Life is harder when you grow up poor in a single family home in a shitty neighborhood. This isn’t exactly rocket science here. You want to make a change? Stop incentivizing people to have children they can’t support themselves and punishing them if there is a man in the house. The biggest hurdle for poor people is politicians who make people dependent on them while they sell them down the river to line their own pockets.

Thats why its the parents choice. Everyone is free to live where they want.

I would not send my kid to a shitty school. I would simply move to give her a better opportunity.

i dont care if you’re white black yellow or green. if you’re born into a shitty impoverished situation you are at a disadvantage. i agree with you 100%. it doesn’t change the fact that you have no say or choice where you’re born just like you don’t have any choice in the religion your parents choose for you! you can blame the parents as much as you want but the kid didn’t choose it. the kid is stuck.

and if you don’t have the money to afford a house in a neighborhood in a good school district how do you move out of your situation??? the kid has NO say in that. come on man.

which shows the problem that needs to be address comes far prior to school selections for your child.

You don’t have to be in a rich neighborhood to be in a good school district.

The root of the problem has more to do with single parent households. There should be more preaching about kids after marriage than preaching about how the system is so unfair.

personally i think that’s bullshit so lets agree to disagree

we’re living in different worlds. how many people of different races are you friends with? work with? hang out with? the absolute opportunity might be there but the obstacles are not the same depending on where you start. you think a clinton or a trump or some other rich kid doesn’t have more opportunities and connections then the rest of us?

perhaps you should vote for politicians that are serious about doing something about higher education costs if they’re so exorbitant vs scapegoating others for those costs? speaking of choices, you have the choice to decide what school you send your kid to which effects the costs you had to pay? my parents took on school debt and for their kids. they’re not complaining like you are. others see it differently.

i got a “brains” scholarship to help pay for school. my parents took out loans to pay the rest. i went out of state to save on costs. i worked while i was in school to pay for my living expenses. we paid off our debts. we don’t feel the same way you do about all this. go figure.

it also cuts in the other direction air. are you as pissed off that it’s much easier for a trump or clinton or some hollywood star’s kid to get into college and maybe even cheat to do it as well? people always complain about poor people taking their rights and money but the fact is that our rich counterparts are sticking it to us but nobody feels threatened or gives a shit about that. don’t the rich play with the rules and work the system too? do you think they have the same challenges that the rest of us have? you don’t think their opportunities are better?

honestly, i would say the rich have more financial opportunities than the poor. look at my examples above.

name any top school districts in the country, state, county that are in shitty areas. then report back the percentage of those compared to better areas ? you’re not being honest here.

I knew I had to work twice as hard to be successful. I’m not complaining I’m pointing out facts the reality.

I only responded to 2 of your claims

  1. Black colleges being founded and funded by whites
  2. Just because Obama was elected president doesn’t prove racism doesn’t exist.

You may have never felt racism but I have while working in corporate America


I TRULY want to make a difference here, and I know how. Not some bullshit “feel-good” stuff. I want to go into these schools and teach them to outscore EVERYONE.

I have taught in inner city Houston, TX, as well as Grand Blanc, MI. The difference in education is SO massive. I’m helping to shift this shit. So excited to be doing it on a much larger scale SOON.


awesome big natty!

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The claim by Barry is that the justice, education and political systems are designed for systematic racism towards blacks. I asked for examples of this.

The fact that someone is born into poverty and has a harder road than someone born into money has nothing to do with race or the system being against them. That person still has the same rights as everyone else.

We’re talking rights here.

Every race has people born into money and poverty. No matter what situation your born into your rights and opportunity are the same.

Barry claimed that Blacks rights and opportunities are different than other races. I want examples of this.