
And that’s what makes it great and nauseatingly headache inducing all at the same time.

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That’s it @stephenboyd57
You’ve crossed the line this time
Poll time

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Well, this is the life you have chosen, make your daughter happy and demasculate yourself. Tay Tay!


Ok - if we are doing this; it’s all or nothing guys!!



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wear the swift one with Lions under an at half time or what ever they call the break switch . She complains say i wore it we people could see now I wear My Lions. She will laugh an in future years you all will sit an laugh how you sweated with two t shirts on an change just to keep her happy.


Get a cheap Deandre Swift lions jersey. Tell her you got a custom tayor swift lions jersey. She will never know. And she might think you are cool. Lying to children is always best.


Well its T-day! Please forgive me!!!


I admire you bro. I suspect that your wife put her up to it. This way, while wearing that hideous garment, your wife figures no women at a female dominated concert will flirt with you.

You’re a good man!


If you think a t-shirt is as bad as it gets, you’re in for a rude awakening brother, very rude. Better buckle up :slight_smile:


I would argue that if we all could do a better job of evaluating and acting on net benefit, society would be so much better for it. So often we bypass something that is a negligible to moderately negative to us but is a massive positive to a counter party. Obviously there are some basic human instincts of competitiveness amplified by our socioeconomic system that act as headwinds against this sort of behavior.

It’s just something I’ve been trying to work on. And to be honest for me there is a selfish element as well. My whole life I’ve always been in that apathetic, unexcited, mildly depressed camp. The best remedy for me is helping someone else getting fired up and hopeful and riding on their coattails. :man_shrugging:


Not to take anything away from you personally, but I’m in the same boat. I think most of humanity is.

If it comes to me, my achievements or successes (no matter what they are) I always want more or better. It’s never enough; I’m never satisfied or happy

My only true joy is when I do something for someone else, and I get absolutely nothing out of the deal except knowing that I helped someone and that God is smiling at me.

Being appreciated by another human is a true joy.

Random Acts of Kindness will change the world.

So you’re on the right path brother keep it up


I see that blue peeking through at the neck.

Well done.


Have a blast and please share some pics of the evening if you are comfortable doing so. It will be a night your daughter will never forget! Good “dadding”, dad!

You’ve distilled an essential tenet in AA: Helping someone else will give you a breather from 24/7 immersion in yourself and your problems. It’s healing. It will move you closer to community, which is absent in too many lives. Give a little, get a lot in return. I love this art installation on a median in Palm Springs:


This has been bothering me recently. I’ve been having these types of conversations with some friends and acquaintances since the pandemic reoriented society:

Friend: did you just say you went in to the grocery store?
Me: two of them today
Friend: like inside? Not parked outside to have your groceries placed in the back.
Me: yep. In the actual building. There is stuff inside there. It’s pretty neat
Friend: but why waste your time like that? I save 30 minutes a week by just using my app.
Me: does your app have people in it?
Friend: I already know enough people.
Me: you work from home right?
Friend: yes
Me: and you exercise at home, right?
Friend: yes
Me: and you don’t go into stores or public spaces much for that matter.
Friend: correct
Me: so every possible life outcome for you is constrained to your already existing social circle?
Friend: I guess.
Me: and you’re okay with that
Friend: well yeah, I mean traffic sucks

That isn’t a literal conversation but is in line with quite a few I’ve had. I just feel like it’s so unfulfilling and dystopian. We are by nature supposed to be pack animals.


They also conditioned people to be lazy as ■■■■. Groceries delivered. Dinner delivered. Booze delivered. Shit here in Canada you can get Marijuana delivered in 15 mins.

People don’t even talk to the delivery guy. He just knocks and leaves the items on the porch. Sad times unfortunately. Virtual school for children was probably the worst of all. Talk about destroying community and socialization.

I’d go further but the lock will come.


Who’s programming who?

Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 12-44-12 is this the future we want meme computer - Google Search


These companies have become so skilled at getting us to accept these terrible (IMO) Faustian bargains.

“So you want my permission to monetize my privacy rights so that I have the freedom to readily click approving thumbs up icons directed at cute pictures of my aunt’s cat? That sounds like a fair trade!”

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Your aunt’s cat is pretty cute though :joy:

Michelle Pfeiffer Batman GIF

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