Goff needs to be better

Monastic martial arts training is bad for your mental health. Like, really bad…

monty python GIF

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I wasn’t agreeing. I simply was recapping. I agree that it’s no longer a thing and he’s playing damn good ball.

Well, when you put it that way, yeah, that about covers it.

I just needed the right Jabroni to get me motivated, I guess.


Best response thus far.

If this is the case, I’m more worried about his colorectal health than his bad football takes.

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Season 4 Troll GIF by Living Single


And there I was, at the Goffling convention, sipping on my blue koolaid, chatting about third down conversions and suddenly this cross comes whipping by out of the shadows and sticks in the wall

‘Fwip fwip fwip fwip fwip fwip…thud!’

There’s this note attached….it reads ‘Goff wilts under pressure. He can’t play on the road. He can’t play in the cold, he can’t throw deep, he needs everything to be perfect. He’s not accurate. He doesn’t step up in the pocket. But I’ve praised him a million times. He’s basically Carr and Cousins. Im glad we have him but also he sucks and I want him gone. Signed CN’

OK, who is this CN person?!

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We could have Baker as our QB.
I mean, Goff isn’t Tom Brady.
I suppose you’re right in that analogy.

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I know. I wasn’t disagreeing, I was expounding on your point. All good.

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There is no singular “who” & they have no names, just a diabolical agenda.
Interesting quote cut there, btw; “onastic”. Perhaps you meant to imply “onanistic” ? An entirely different yet oddly appropriate description of this cult’s…um…habits.

Trailer Creed GIF

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hairy psalms would be a dead give away

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I know this thread was begun as a major troll attempt, but since folks took the opportunity to have a real conversation, I figured this would fit.

Personally, I think we all have much to be thankful for. That’s too good of a performance to put a “needs to be” statement together. But, Jared has set the bar high enough himself to say he “can be better”.


Welcome back

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The comments on the screen to C Reynolds and how rare it is for a running back to get the ball in those spots were good.

He did a good job pointing out how Goff’s footwork got messed up on the throw to LaPorta that was behind him. Even this numbnut was able to see exactly what he was describing.

First I have heard about how Lions went to a silent count on the td pass to Jamo. They’re talking and then they aren’t and, per him, it seemed to mess up the Tampa defense.

His description of the TB defense with regards to how they use their db’s was excellent.

Thanks for sharing


At least u see whats going on lol

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Love the 33rd Team stuff. I usually can’t watch this kind of analysis all the way through. Most content creators start to ramble and lose me. These clips are concise and sharp with top notch analysis

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I’m wondering who’s burner account is Ninja?

Probably Jman just ■■■■■■■ with all of us. Haha

Damn undercover agents
Blues Brothers GIF

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I eat this stuff up.

You Are Dumb Mario Lopez GIF


This is a post that makes no sense. In order to judge Goff on these things you MUST do the same for the qb’s you are comparing him to. So other qb’s who have about the same comp percentage are hampered because they have less than average receivers, and if they had ours they would be hitting like 80 percent?

Sorry, but no one thinks we have some great receiver unit. It is above average but NOT elite. So to make a rational argument you would need to go through many qb’s and see if they ever throw off-target passes where their receivers are bailing them out. So you are SURE no other qb’s benefit from great receivers catching bad passes, ALL OF THEM?

It is meaningless to make a point like this without watching several qb’s ranked near what Goff is and then show that their receivers DON’T help them as much as ours helps Goff. So Miami DOESN’T have great receivers and Tua is just so awesome that he is doing everything alone with no help like Goff gets? Sorry but unless you compare several qb’s ranked close together and somehow show Goff is the only one who has some elite receivers and gets help while the rest don’t, then you simply have NO POINT of interest. You’re sure we can’t go look at other qb’s and see receivers making good catches above them, low, behind? And you do know that many times Goff and all good qb’s throw low or away on purpose to make sure only his receiver has a reasonable chance to catch the ball. Goff does this all the time. Have you not seen the receptions the Sun God has made the last few games diving and grabbing low throws for huge 3rd downs? He has done it repeatedly the last few games and Goff threw those exactly where he wanted to even though fans would say they were not accurate throws.

So in the last 16 games, tell us how many TDs to interceptions Goff has, then tell us he doesn’t deserve the same amount of credit other qb’s get. I think it is like 24 TD passes to 4 INT’s. So if other qb’s had our ELITE, AWESOME receivers they would have an even better number than Goff, REALLY??