Green Bay is going to beat San Francisco

Last year Minnesota pulled a Dallas, is how I look at it. The Cowboys have been artificially winning games for years. What’s funny is its the same story in the playoffs every time they go. I just had a memory on Facebook pop up the day after they lost this year. It was from 2 years ago and was clowning the Cowboys for losing. Which means we are only days away from THIS popping up in people’s memory feeds:


We don’t know that. They might be fresh and rejuvenated. 3 weeks off isn’t gonna make them forget how to play. If they come out rusty at all, I expect them to shake that rust off very quickly.


that would be great…even better if we whip their ass though. we beat them last year.

Now I’m not so sure. They may decide to push the Harbaugh angle again

Odds are Detroit would win if it’s Baltimore.

The only black QBs to win SBs are/were on Indian theme teams. Redskins, Chiefs, Seahawks.

I think we have a better chance at beating GB in DET than SF in SF.

We’re better on turf than grass. But we did win on Bermuda grass twice this year but it is harder for us to play on.

But let’s not look past this Sunday TB is a better team now than before.


Me too, for sure. I think they are both very tough outs though at this point.

If we can use the crowd to use up 2 timeouts like we did last week, I love our chances at home. That was a HUGE advantage.

100%with you on every portion of this post Air.

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Only one of those 3 I truly fear is Baltimore. KC is relying on defense, and Buffalo will gift you the ball a couple times.

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Either that or Wyatt just watched film of their 3 game losing streak where they were missing key players on offense

I took GB and the 9.5


It’s one of these right? :slight_smile: rusty or rejuvenated. That’s the big question.

The other wrinkle is whether or not GB coming off a short week and playing on the road back to back might be a bit worn down and or sapped of some of that enthusiasm they’re riding at the moment.

I hope it’s a PHYSICAL game so that whoever we play (assuming we TCOB sunday) FEELS the pain all the more when we lay the wood the following week!

Green Bay is 28th against the run. McCaffery is salivating.

SF controls the clock, GB turns it over a couple times. Game.


Yep. If I’m the Pack…sell out to stop the run and make Purdy beat you. It will probably fail… but there is a chance Purdy throws some int’s… he’s had a few bad games this year.

If they can’t stop the run… they’re ■■■■■■

Is J Alexander playing for the Packers this weekend?

I’m not too sure on this one but I am sure SF won’t make the SB

Last 3 games they are top 3 actually

we must deal with them

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Well said! History of insane ref calls and miraculous plays against us every time we played the Packers, make me root for SF. I think we match up well with San Fran too.

besides…rooting for Cheeseheads is sacrilegious for me.