NBA & China

Yes, that is the huge problem. It just reinforces the idea that Trump is aligning himself with autocratic nations and autocratic principles all while dividing us from our allies, the free countries of the world and rejecting our our nation’s founding principles.

Quite frankly is disgusting to watch unfold.

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Dan: that moderate middle has all but disappeared. On the Dems side, the “Blue Dog” Democrats are gone as are the pro life Democrats (there’s one in Illinois—the last man standing). On the Reps side, there’s been a shift to the right—which started with Grover Nordquist and the Tea Party movement.

With the progressive Dems move to the far far left toward socialist fascism, the contrast between the two parties is starker than ever before. One can’t sit in the middle any more because there is no middle (as pols like Jeff Flake learned the hard way when he was down 18-20% to Kelli Ward in the Arizona Senate primary before he dropped out).

And to the extent that the RINOs think you can give the liberal progressives an inch in the name of compromise—you can’t because then they’ll take a mile. One example was Obama’s and Pelosi’s promise to the approx. 36 pro life Dems that if they voted for the ACA, the Obama Administration wouldn’t require religious institutions to comply.

Instead, what happened is you had the Obama administration attacking the Little Sisters of the Poor and threatening them with draconian fines because their health plans wouldn’t cover abortion or contraception. Simply put, they lied.

The politics of Appeasement have never worked (and it certainly didn’t work out for Neville Chamberlain before WW II because the Nazis attacked GB anyway). They’re not going to work in the current political environment either.

btw, it’s happening in churches too

Everyone hs an opinion. The NBA is allowed to have one. The most disturbing thing in this story is that the people in the United States are no longer concerned about freedom of speech. They support communist regimes over their own government. The press outlet specifically ESPN ordered its people not to speak about it. So you have a US company specifically ordering people to not speak about something. That is against the first amendment. I get their right to protect work output, but journalists are supposed to be the ones that are protecting our freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

socialist fascism? dude…the Dems may be inclined to be socialist, but that is because the wealth has evaporated from the middle class. As inequality increases the social fabric and social compact disintegrates. Politics become polarized. There is only one party acting fascist though, and that is the extremely troubling turn the GOP has taken. Creating fake enemies, scapegoating minority populations, attacking the press as the enemy of the people, wanting to create a Christian ethno-state, attacking intellectuals, attacking others to hide what you yourself are doing…those are all fascist tactics. Trump has more in common with the right wing fascists like Erdogan and Orban than he does with Merkel or any other Western leader.

Yeah, appeasing didn’t work. You are right about that. And its not going to work with Trump. The way you beat fascists is to punch them in the face.

I’ve seen what this liberal progressive democratic socialism leads to. One need only look at Venezuela. It’s gone from the wealthiest best educated population in South America to the poorest and least educated under Chavez & Maduro. Today, it’s difficult to find anything on store shelves. 95 degrees, humid, and no electricity for extended periods of time. Chavez, his family members and cronies lined their pockets with billions.

Ronald Reagan: ‘If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism’ And it has.

As for your “the way you beat fascists is to punch them in the face” comment, one of two things will happen–either (1) you will get your @ss kicked; or (2) you will end up in a Sarasota, Florida jail. Either is fine with me.

Liberal Progressives have also led to modern day Norway, Canada, and Germany, so that doesn’t mean much. Modern day conservatism has led to modern day Russia Mafia organizations pretending to be democracies with the rule of law. .

It’s hard to argue with the party that wants us to eat our own babies, give up our weapons so they can subjugate us, keep us from speaking freely, it wants to eliminate farting cows and make us eat tofu, eliminate fossil fuels and take us back to the middle ages and abort babies with impunity. They eliminate the US and nothing will stop them from killing us and instituting global policies to enslave the entire world for the billionires who are seeking to control the world for the elite.
They have systemically attacked religion, education and the middle class. They control the media. They seek to destroy any opposition to their opinion because they can’t win the arguments. They scream outrgeous accusations and throw outrageous labels at anyone who stands against them. They put out false claims “Trump has killed more than 100 million people, more tha Mao, Stalin and Hitler combined.” It isn’t hyperbole. It is blind hate speech intended to portray an opponent as hideously as they can using blatant lies because they know they can bury a retraction in section Q on the sixth page in small print. The media is the enemy and you can deny it but you know you’re lying. We have the truth on our side. You have lying Hilary, pencil neck Schiff and the deep state traitors on yours. When the war starts, we’ll be on opposing sides. I won’t call you any names. I know you suffer from delusions that have been re-inforced by the communists in your party, your education in the system, which is little more than 13 years of child care and indoctrination called school, and the socialist ACLU. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

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Yes, I’ve seen these sorts of non-argument arguments.

The American left wants to adopt policies similar to Norway, and other Western Countries, however you want to define them without hurting your sensibilities. Not Venezuela. OTOH, were LITERALLY seeing Russia style corruption by Trump and his cronies as we speak.

The media is the enemy…you can just stop there. We know who you are.

And, the millions that went to Biden from the Ukranians. The billion and a half of chinese money. The web site showing him as a board member of that chinese company went dark, hmmm, the chinese scrubbing their web site and covering for the Biden’s you mean that corruption under Obama. Show us the money trail of corruption on Trump. That’s right you can’t. But you know if you lob unfounded accusations, people might hear you because you are screaming it as loud as you can. But, while you are screaming and pointing your finger, three more are pointing back at you.

I know you put some effort into that, but the history lesson isn’t necessary. None of the individuals I mentioned are moderates. None of them, and you compare them to Neville Chamberlain?

Look, my politics will not change and the direction I want the Republican Party to go will not change. If the Republican Party doesn’t make a course correction I have zero issue walking away and never turning back. It’s that simple.

I think the last post about the NBA and China was like 20 posts ago LOL

Let me ask you this.

Take Trump’s obnoxious personality out of the equation. (The truth is I don’t like Trump as an individual, and acknowledge he’s not above criticism, but I do like what he’s accomplishing.)

If it were another Republican implementing pro-business policies to stimulate economic growth, conservative social policies, trying to secure the border, fighting for religious freedom, trying to correct trade imbalances with countries that have been taking advantage of the U.S. for years, etc., would you support someone doing the same things if it weren’t Trump?

btw, I will concede that Sasse, Engler, and HW aren’t/weren’t moderates.

Had Kasich as a governor for 8 years (voted for him twice), and he was a very good governor for Ohio. Kasich was more conservative at the beginning and became more moderate toward the end.

Romney? He’s a moderate. The author of the ACA in Massachusetts.

This is a great question and a solid way to filter bias.
I have thought of that question multiple times for different elected officials.
Specifically Bill Clinton in the 90’s. The GOP despised him, and what for? Bob Dornan used to call Clinton a communist from the House floor. It was ridiculous.

This is how I see Trump too. I think he is a dick and a major a-hole, but I do like trying to follow existing laws on immigration and kicking China in the nuts.

I don’t like the huge budget deficit (increased spending with tax cuts) or his environmental stances.

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Tax Cut: I agree with elements in the tax cut but not the overall package. I agree with addressing the corporate tax rate but that cut should have been offset. The final tax bill was grossly irresponsible and will further saddle this country with debt. The corporate rate is playing long game but the rest amounted to a short term stimulus that has already faded.

Immigration: I don’t support Trump on illegal immigration or legal immigration. I support securing the border, but think a wall is stupid. I’m for a comprehensive plan that triggers a pathway to legal status once security measures are achieved.

Trade: don’t get me started. I am 100% fine with pressuring China. I’m ok with tariffs being on the table short term. I completely 110% disagree with pulling out of TPP. I 110% disagree with failing to pressure China by creating more free trade with allies who could isolate them. Tariffs are not fun when you’re on the receiving end. They are a lot easier when you have an out. (That’s my condensed short version)

Foreign policy: I will add this to your list. Trump has been consistent on what he wants from a foreign policy stand point, but I couldn’t disagree with him more. I truly worry about the future when the United States pulls back from the world. I was very vocal about it in the primaries and I will continue to be vocal about it.

Spending: the dude spends like a drunken sailor. I’m old enough to remember when the tea party would block any debt limit increase that wasn’t offset with spending cuts. Where are my purist today? Notfishin you still out there fighting the good fight on that one?

Presidential authority: He didn’t start this trend by any means, but he has put his foot on the accelerator to expand executive power to levels not seen. I don’t support that and find it contrary to the intent of the Constitution.

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I think it is impossible to like his personna. I thought my wife was intoxicated. But, after reading his platform, it was apparent this guy was a conservative. I would have been happy with just his judicial agenda. But, add to it, his stance on immigration, his tax cuts, his second amendment stance, his removing the US from foreign entanglements, the propping up of American industry, the trade treaties being re-negotiated, putting America first, his in-roads with China and Korea. This is the greatest president we have had in my lifetime. That includes Reagan. He has done more for the country than any three you can name. He has done it while mired in a congress and deep state arrayed against him in a virtual coup attempt. I can only imagine how far he would have gone with more than just the voters behind him. But we don’t know him. I would like to point to a quote about him attributed to his sister. That was she wouldn’t want to go against him in anything because he always wins. The Trump I have come to know is loyal to a fault. He expects his people to be the same. He has had to deal with betrayal from those around him, from those in his own party and the Obama deep state who attempted to plant spies all around him. His voters will not abandon him. He has kept most of his promises. You can’t name another politician who has.

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