PFF top 5 bottom 5 in Chicago

Your job! :rofl:
Not my monkey’s. Not my circus.
I shouldn’t get so frustrated over things I know will not come to pass, though.
It just gets old seeing the same people constantly bashing Lions players.


More assumptions?

So ban and censor are different words, but that is me quoting you …and literal copy and paste of what you said…soooo…

If you mis-spoke yourself or if I have misunderstood something, I would gladly retract. I dont’ think that’s what’s going on here though. I think you are offended and want to ban ppl (as you said). In my book, ban = extreme censorship

I didn’t say I don’t like them. I said I never put much stock in what they say. I view it as a conversation piece…not somethign to ban (as you put it)

If “nobody cares” about anyone else’s opinion, then why do you want to ban them?
Just curious. I am aware I’m not speaking ot your rational, higher self right now. Your ego is trying to “win”…when truthfully, there is no win/lose…just connection and conversation.
As for their ratings…it is what they value, through their truth, and their biased lens (just like the rest of us).
You can’t fault those who disagree with them any more than you can fault them for thinking what they think and/or how they grade…welll…you can, but…

Microwaved → why ban some opinions and not others?
How could that be perceived as anything other than hypocritical?

NO JUDGEMENT → we ALL have dichotomy of thought in our “stories” and we live our stories, we don’t live our life. It’s our job to find our own conflicts and smooth 'em out. I’m looking for mine in this conversation.

I’m rooting for ya, man.
Also → rooting for me too! Looking for incongruency in my own line of thinking.


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Thumbs Up Good GIF - Thumbs Up Good Great Job GIFs


Bro - you being yourself IS your only job, and that is teaching people by default.
You are a brilliant teacher of humans, my man!
In love, in frustration, in grief, in pain, in everything you do - you are a great teacher to other humans


This made me laugh SO hard! FANTASTIC


Haha Beavis is into Kpop these days!!


WTH is Kpop?

Hahahaha this one is awesome, just saw it last week!

Beavis twerking… oh man they have not lost their touch


Drunk Beach GIF

Korean pop music…think New Kids on the Block style!!

When he started dancing, I lost it…haha


Short for Korean pop music. It’s been popular for a few years I think? Not sure exactly… but anyway BTS is the group in that video, I think they are probably the most popular ones.


FU Beavis…love that they are back!


These cracked me up…


As far fetched as they are it’s seems like something you wrote

Ok sorry one more…


I think it’s safe to say that …this sucks!"
LOL. lots of funny stuff in there.


Totally agree with this. I see them as sometimes eye-brow raising and read them with a Lot-sized pillar of salt - but generally a decent weathervane and the overall grades and patterns are usually pretty accurate, I think


Kinda funny alot of posters saying the Oline played bad and Goff played well, and PFF says Oline played well and Goff played bad.


“I thought leather jackets were supposed to be cool… you can’t polish a turd, Beavis…”

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Haha! I can see you kicking back with a beer…“YES!!! MORE STATS”

I wish I had the time to create a system of scoring energy! HAHAHAHA

You guys’ heads would explode you’d spend so much energy in discrediting it.
It’s all fun’n’good, man.