Sam LaPorta - You're Welcome Lions Nation

Someone should tell the OP that one should never eat Grey Poupon straight from the jar. Gauche AF. You’re better off applying it to your tender bits in the hopes that your toy poodle develops a taste for it. That would appear to be your best bet for mammalian intimacy.

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Grey Poupon sucks. Maille runs laps around that sh!t.

I make my own with organic brown mustard powder. Not even kidding. I originally sourced the mustard to pair with broccoli as it multiplies bioavailability of sulforaphane, a cancer-killing compound and all-around longevity booster.


It’s very sensitive up in here, I’m just here for the boner holsters…and some footbawwwwllll


That’s cool. But that doesn’t refute that Maille >>>> Grey Poupon.

It is superior, as I recall. It’s been many years since I’ve bought either. Nothing beats the bite of homemade, however.

And Grey Poupon was referenced only to point toward pomposity, of course.

GP just isn’t nuanced per me palate. Like at all. It’s just heat and acid.

Full transparency … I love Dijon so if I’m at a picnic and that’s all they have I’ll hold my nose and take the plunge but it’s an inferior product IMO. A relic of the past.

What brand is this mustard powder and where do you procure it?

I argued for Jack. Fought here for him. Articulated with my usual style and substance why the Lions should get him. Rumors are that my persistent messages percolated up the chain to Lions High Command, just in time for draft day.

You all said you hated drafting linebackers. And you forged a gang to silence my message. Even said our top brass does not value linebackers. You failed. But now you say: Imma love me some CaptainJack.

And you’re welcome.


Splendor Garden, out of Canada.

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David Byrne Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

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Ok so clarify for us. You liked Sam Laporta. What are we supposed to do with this info? What are we thanking you for? What are we conceding? I’m embarrassed for you.


Good thread, would read again because it’s a boring time of year and provided some entertainment

Hopefully this thread doesn’t cause some Lion’s fans to now cheer against LaPorta :joy:


that was a GREAT commercial…. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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He named every TE in the top 5 at the position. And limiting it to 5 is being generous. He named 4 of them as potential 1st round targets and the list grew as the idea of taking a TE in the 2nd or 3rd round was discussed.

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You did……kudos for that……I wasn’t high on LB……I’m always happy to be wrong. :crazy_face:

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Thanks for sharing, i sent it to my wife, she loves home remedy hippy stuff.

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Bring her to Eugene then. As far as cities go it’s like a hackysack marinated in patchouli oil.


Now that’s more like it. Have a little fun for Gawd’s sake.

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No Feyd. Damn, you Harkonnens twist everything.

I was captain trade down. Liked Kincaid as a late 1st round pick. Was skeptical on Mayer. Repeatedly mocked LaPorta to Lions and touted him here. Was also much interested in Darnell Washington as he offered OT-grade power blocking and top athleticism.

My thesis: Draft class overall quite weak, esp. in trenches and @WR, but unusually packed with good tight ends.

Rookie tight ends are shining around the league:

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All based on hard science amigo, but we don’t have to tell the hippies that. Tell em it’s magic mustard powder.