World has gone crazy

The videos in their duration are not edited. It’s like watching an instant replay in football.
A huge chunk of the protests are not peaceful. I can believe some are, but the Antifa black bloc that are being scooped up have no one to blame but themselves.
Police are not abusing these kids in this video. They are vandalizing public property.

Day 50 and Ted Wheeler and the Oregon Gov have done what about this?


Omg, I hope the families of those chained linked fences can live normal lives after Papa chain link fence sustained such terrible injuries.

That’s property crime, not violence. Arrest them. Charge them. But don’t do it extrajudicially.

We need to get back to the norms of the rule of law norms that existed before the last few years of lunacy.


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Never believed that it wasn’t, just making the point that they advocate violence. I condemn all groups that advocate violence.

Don’t see a punch thrown in either of those videos. A guy was hurt? How? No idea.

The extrajudicial stuff is way out of line. The only reason I’m not more outraged is bc I know that it’s a ploy to get people’s attention off of the Coronavirus response and the tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and likely ultimately trillions of dollars of unnecessary economic loss that said response will cost this country.

Fair enough. I’m not a fan of Antifa per se. I do think their recent rise is that of a natural counter balance to the fact that white nationalism has been unchecked (or even emboldened) since 2017.


There’s certainly a small group of dumbasses that will identify as Antifa and a larger group that probably clicked ‘like’ on one of their Facebook pages and sympathizes with the general concept of being ‘anti fascist’

Ngo is a right wing troll who pretends to be objective. If you are only getting your info from his twitter feed you will certainly have a skewed view of what’s actually happening here and how the protests are overall. Take his info and what he presents with a grain of salt

Here’s a good read on Ngo by Rolling Stone


Far more pleasantly, I’m about to go kayaking in the gorge with a buddy who flew in from vietnam yesterday

Cheers all. Hope everyone gets to enjoy the weekend a little


protesting in the city since the death of George Floyd broke into a building and set it ablaze and started dumpster fires.

The protesters broke into the Portland Police Association at around 10:45 p.m. Saturday, police said, and "ignited a fire inside.

Earlier Saturday night, a different group of demonstrators gathered by the Portland Police Bureau’s North Precinct and "taunted officers … tampered with gates, broke patrol vehicle windows, and vandalized patrol vehicles

“threw rocks, gopher gassers, and launched paint filled balloons at officers.”

Nope, not violent at all.

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Not surprising. Like I said earlier the presence of the paramilitary has made things worse not better. It will probably keep escalating now

If someone throws rocks then the Portland police should arrest them. If someone lights a fire inside a building the the Portland police should arrest them. But knock it off with this extrajudicial Banana Republic bullshit.

The Governor does not want the federal forces there. The mayor doesn’t want the federal forces there. The state AG doesn’t want the federal forces there. The majority of the city, county and state residents don’t. It’s rather convenient that the administration will use states rights justifications for the abdication of duty and leadership in the coronavirus response but then will turn right back around and completely ignore the wishes of a state bc they are working hard to create an alternate political narrative that they can use to get out of their current political death spiral.

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Which is the point, right? That is their intent IMO. To try and make things boil over and then push forward with Nixonian ‘68 Law & Order style political platform. They have few good options and clearly feel that is their best one.

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Pretty ugly all around. The world needs a breather from the insanity

Here’s food for thought - and some explanation why the paramilitary presence is making things worse

That’s the problem. The Portland Police are not arresting them. Law and Order is not being enforced.

Very little about these protests is peaceful.

Property is being vandalized.
Looting is still occurring.
Attacks against Police are continuing.
Intimidation tactics are being used against the populace.

Those are all the obvious, but what’s also being ignored…

Impeding traffic is against the law.
Pounding on someones car who is trying to drive through is against the law.
Threatening someone who is driving down the street is against the law.
Taking over part of cities where people are trying to live, work, and run business is violating their rights.
Gathering in large crowds is in violation of many State’s pandemic orders.
Spray painting property is against the law.
Spray painting murals on main thoroughfares is against the law.

This is happening right now, this very second.

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Very peaceful, not group fascist activities at all.

Do you live in Portland? BC we have posters here that do. I live in Eugene and have spoken with many of my friend’s that live in Portland. Every one said the same thing. Everything was calming down until about a week ago when federal troops started opting for more aggressive tactics. Since then things have escalated. Oregon is more than capable of managing this situation on it’s own. We’re simply being used as a political pawn. It truly is that simple.

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The push? I didn’t see a punch thrown

Of course not. They swarmed him, pushed him, wouldn’t let him leave, and he went down due to some kind of strike, and was unconscious.
You are making excuses.
The fascists dictate who can and can’t speak in public.
Marxism yes. Jesus no.

Watch the videos and note the intimidation tactics now being used against the press.

Komo 4 News is a legit news organization.

Interesting. If they want their message to get out, shouldn’t they welcome the press.

Or is this really not about what they say it’s about

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Putting your hands on another person…push, pull, yank, whatever…is assault and against the law.

Not peaceful.